Edit PowerPoint Slide Templates Quickly in 2024

7 minutes read

@ tutsplus.com

Learn how to edit a PowerPoint (PPT) template quickly.

We will also show you how to change slide template layouts in PowerPoint. Or follow along with the video.

PowerPoint is the ultimate way to make a great impression! Now, how can you do it quickly and easily? With a template on PPT!

Wondering how to edit PPT templates? Follow this tutorial to update many slides at the same time. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to edit a premium PowerPoint template.

Knowing how to change PowerPoint templates is a key skill. It helps you make amazing slide layouts faster than ever in 2024 and beyond. You’ll also learn how to use Slide Master View in PowerPoint to adjust any slide’s design.

Quick Start Guide to Editing PowerPoint Slide Templates

Are you ready to start learning how to edit templates in PPT? I recommend you watch this easy-to-follow video. It’s a quick way to get started editing PowerPoint themes:

You can also go for the complete written tutorial below. You’ll find more information on how to change PPT layouts, including PowerPoint design principles.

Key Principles of Good PowerPoint Design

It’s no secret that most people dislike giving presentations. The dread of public speaking ranks among the greatest fears in public surveys. Good design gets out of the way of the content you’re sharing. It helps your audience focus on the content itself instead of the design.

PowerPoint slides can help you reduce the anxiety when giving a presentation. Well-designed slides can build your own confidence. They also make your key points clearer to the audience.

Here are three key principles to remember. Apply these when you adjust PPT layouts with your customizations:

  1. Use starting elements. Preparing for a presentation often means that you’re on a tight timeline. When that’s the case, use all of PowerPoint’s built-in tools and features. This gives you as much time as possible to focus on content and preparation, and not the slide designs.
  2. Consistency is key. There’s nothing more distracting than your logo moving around slightly as you advance slides. Ensure that key elements like logos, copyright text, and more are in the same position on every slide.
  3. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Instead of recreating each slide and placing repeated elements on each slide, you can edit slide masters instead to save time.

Find smart ways to build a presentation. Find alternatives instead of rebuilding everything from scratch. We can use slide layouts to save time and ensure consistency.

How to Use PowerPoint Layouts

PowerPoint layouts are placeholders on slides. You’ll add content to them, like text and images. This streamlines the process of building out PowerPoint slides; you’re simply filling your content into ready-made sections. Knowing how to change PPT layout designs saves time and effort and keeps your slides consistent in look and feel.

To set a slide’s layout, make sure that you’re on the Home tab on PowerPoint’s ribbon. Click on the Layout drop-down to see a variety of thumbnails for the PowerPoint layouts you can use. Most PowerPoint themes include a variety of slide layouts, giving you choices for starting points when designing your own content.

Understanding PowerPoint’s Design Layers

You might be accustomed to working in Normal View. Here you can simply click and drag to change a slide. There are many ways to edit a PowerPoint slide. You can edit the slide, or the slide master that controls the design for many slides.

I like to think of PowerPoint’s design tools as being in layers:

  • Slides hold content, such as text, images, charts, and more.
  • Slide layouts are pre-built arrangements of placeholders for content that you can add to slides.
  • The slide master controls design elements of the slide layout.

What if the slide layout doesn’t have the elements you need? In that case, you can edit a slide layout.

How to Take Control of PowerPoint Slide Master

A slide’s layout is controlled by the Slide Master. Think of slide masters as the settings for a slide layout. While you add content and objects to a slide master, slides that use the master will share the same elements.

Many of your slides will have what I would call “repeated elements.” For example, each slide might feature your company’s logo in the upper right corner. It makes sense to add those elements to the Slide Master itself so you don’t have to make the change for each slide.

To edit a PowerPoint template slide layout, switch to Slide Master View. Go to the View tab and click on Slide Master to switch to editing the template master.

Notice in the sidebar that Slide Masters have a hierarchy to them. The white slide at the top controls each of the Slide Masters underneath them.

Instead of adding this logo to each slide, you can simply add it to the slide master. Each slide that uses that master will automatically update with the logo.

How to Edit PowerPoint Template Slide Layouts

Most presentations have built-in layouts, but those only contain placeholders for content. A premium theme is like a lookbook, built for inspiration. You start with it, then edit the PowerPoint template to your liking.

Even when you’re using a premium presentation template, you can still edit the slide master to add common elements like a logo or footer text.

Using premium themes gives you ideas for slides and starting points that give you a head start while still allowing for total customization.

Timesaving PowerPoint Template Slide Examples

Custom themes like the Hero v1 Presentation Template include dozens of unique layouts. Let’s walk through how to edit PowerPoint templates using examples from Hero.

Slide 12: Changing Text Placeholders

Suppose you’re building a presentation to introduce products or services. You’ll want to look at key points and the features that make your offering special. Instead of starting with a blank slide, try a template layout like slide 12. All you’ll need to do here is type over the text placeholders with your own words.

Slide 77: Bringing Slides to Life

Using simple text blocks is a quick way to share content. But it’s beneficial to bring slides to life with pictures and graphics. Using the human element is a great way to do this. When you edit a PowerPoint theme, keep audience attention in mind. Make sure you bring data to life.

Slide 98: Sharing Your Global Presence

Global thinkers benefit from a worldwide presence. Using pre-built map layouts helps illustrate worldwide locations. Click and drag the map markers, lines, and text labels to cover any point on the map. Then add some explanatory text to create an engaging new slide.

When You Can’t Edit a PPT Slide Design

Ever tried to edit PowerPoint themes but can’t select an object? This often happens because the object you’re changing is on the slide master, not the slide itself. The fix is easy. Simply go to View > Slide Master.

Remember: when you change the slide master, you might unintentionally affect other slides. Any slide that uses the same master will have its design changed as well.

We’ve seen how to change PowerPoint template layouts and designs. To create compelling slide decks, you need to embrace current trends. Read on to see the latest PPT slide design trends for 2024:

1. Minimalism is Timeless

Minimalism is a hot trend in PowerPoint slide design. It looks great and uses open space to highlight your content.

2. Images Throughout

A quick and easy way to elevate your presentations is to add images. Audiences in 2024 expect highly visual presentations.

3. Brevity Is Key

As our lives grow ever busier, brevity is essential. Select your favorite slides, fill in crucial details, and stay focused.

4. Data Illustration With Infographics

PowerPoint is a great tool for explaining concepts and ideas. Update a template on PPT with data visuals that tell stories about trends.

5. Stunning Color Gradients

In 2024, sleek color gradient backgrounds are in style. These lend stylish contrast to any slide and help highlight key details.

5 Best (On-Trend) PowerPoint Slide Design Templates for 2024

The key to success when you edit PowerPoint template designs is to stand out. Here are five top trendy PowerPoint templates for 2024:

1. Trendy - PowerPoint Template

This template features over 150 slides spread across five sleek color themes.

2. Minimal Modern PowerPoint

A minimalist look helps keep your slides clear and easy to read.

3. UCorporate Modern Business

This template lets you create an unforgettable glimpse at your operations.

4. STYLE - Multipurpose PowerPoint Template

STYLE offers unmatched creative power with over four thousand slides in the pack.

5. Simple Presentation

With over thirty animated slides, this template works well for almost any topic.

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