Speaker Notes in Presentation Tools

4 minutes read

@ tutsplus.com

Ever struggle to stay focused when you’re giving a presentation? Hey, it happens to the best of us! Speaker notes in PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides are a great solution to help you keep your place and key ideas in front of you.

Understanding Speaker Notes View

So, what are speaker notes in PowerPoint and other apps? In essence, they’re notes that only you (the presenter) can see. With them, you can build yourself a helpful guide to follow along with as you present. I like to think of PowerPoint speaker notes as a roadmap to follow.

On speaker notes, you can leave yourself reminders about key topics to cover! You can add cues, and even scripts if you need to deliver a precise narration.

The advantage is this: your audience can’t see your speaker notes in PowerPoint or any other app. They’ll never have to know you aren’t presenting from memory!


Benefits of Using Speaker Notes

The advantages of using speaker notes are numerous. Consider the following:

  • Stay on Time and Pace: Speaker notes help you add cues and transitions to your slide deck, allowing you to know exactly when to move from slide to slide.

  • Maintain Your Train of Thought: It’s easy to get distracted while speaking. Speaker notes provide a handy reference for your key points, ensuring you stay on track.

  • Boost Your Confidence: Many people feel nervous when presenting. Speaker notes serve as a safety net, giving you the confidence to deliver an inspiring presentation.

  • Reference Additional Details: Instead of cluttering your slides with excessive data, you can include this information in your speaker notes for easy reference during your narration.

Speaker notes can be added to each individual slide, making them the perfect sidekick for a winning slide deck.

Speaker Notes View Examples

Now that we understand what speaker notes are, let’s see them in action. Speaker notes are a built-in feature in the three main presentation apps: Google Slides, PowerPoint, and Keynote. Each tool has its own approach, but the core functionality remains consistent.

Google Slides

In Google Slides, speaker notes are an integral feature. To access them, open a presentation and navigate to the View menu. From there, select Show speaker notes.


You’ll see the speaker notes area below each slide. You can type your notes here, which will be visible only to you during your presentation. When using Presenter view, your notes will appear alongside your current slide, making it easy to reference them.

For more about speaker notes in Google Slides, check out our full tutorial:


In PowerPoint, speaker notes enhance your delivery by keeping essential details accessible. To view your speaker notes, ensure you’re in Normal view (navigate via the View tab).


Click on the Notes button below your slide to open the text box for your speaker notes. Just like in Google Slides, these notes apply only to the slide you are viewing, allowing you to create tailored guidance for each slide.

PowerPoint’s Presenter View is another valuable feature. To activate it, go to Slide Show > Presenter View.


In this mode, your audience sees only the full-screen slide while you have access to your notes beside it.

Learn more about how to add speaker notes in PowerPoint:


In Apple’s Keynote, speaker notes are termed Presenter Notes but function similarly to those in Google Slides and PowerPoint.


To access Presenter Notes, open the app and click on the View menu, then select Show Presenter Notes.

You can type your notes directly into the box beneath your slides, and as with other applications, you can create unique notes for each slide.

Keynote also features Presenter View, which can be found under Play > Play Slideshow in Window. This allows you to navigate through your slides while keeping your notes private.

For more details on Presenter Notes in Keynote, refer to our tutorial:


You’ve now explored powerful examples of speaker notes across three major presentation tools. With this knowledge, you’re equipped to utilize speaker notes effectively, regardless of your chosen software. Embrace speaker notes as your ally in delivering impactful presentations with poise and confidence. Try them out today!

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