Improve PowerPoint Slide Designs for 2024

6 minutes read


Making the design of your PowerPoint better isn’t difficult. By applying the basics of design, you can visually improve your PowerPoint graphic designs.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to design PowerPoint (PPT) slides effectively, leading to a more engaging and professional presentation.


Understanding Presentation Design

Want to learn how to design PowerPoint slides? Great presentations are supported by a good PowerPoint layout. Most PowerPoint graphic designs are relatively invisible until something goes wrong with a slide design.

In this PowerPoint design tutorial, we cover the fundamentals of presentation design. This approach will help you create good PowerPoint presentation designs, emphasizing that subtle details can make a significant difference. You’ll learn about:

  1. Visual Hierarchy: Understanding and applying visual hierarchy effectively.
  2. Slide Layout: Transforming visual hierarchy principles into impactful PowerPoint slide designs.
  3. Typography: Selecting the right typefaces to enhance readability.
  4. Color: Grasping the basics of color theory.
  5. Details: Adding extras that elevate your presentation.

Start with a Good Template

Are you looking to use ready-made presentation slide designs to streamline your process? Check out the trending PowerPoint templates on Envato Elements. Utilizing these can save you time and reduce the guesswork in designing your PowerPoint slides.

![Ciri Template]

5 Principles of Presentation Design

Before diving into PowerPoint graphic design, it’s vital to understand the underlying principles. Effective design requires a strong foundation in structural and aesthetic choices, such as fonts and colors, to enhance your presentation.

1. Visual Hierarchy

Visual hierarchy is the arrangement of design elements to imply importance. By utilizing contrast, you can influence audience perceptions and ensure the right elements capture attention. Techniques for achieving visual hierarchy include:

  • Employing contrasting colors to highlight essential elements.
  • Varying the size of text or images to create emphasis.


In practice, visual hierarchy determines which content appears most important. Question yourself about what should stand out in your presentation.


When giving a financial presentation, focus on key messages rather than data. Use visual hierarchy to emphasize critical information, making it easier for your audience to digest.

2. Slide Layout Design

Effective slide layout goes hand-in-hand with visual hierarchy. Identifying the most crucial message for your slides is essential, as this will ensure that the content resonates with your audience.

When designing your slides, consider the overall flow and consistency. Aim for simplicity by allowing key statistics to stand out clearly.


Repetition can also strengthen your message; for example, displaying a graph followed by a key statistic on a separate slide reinforces its importance.

3. Typography

The choice of typography significantly impacts your PowerPoint design. Good fonts should be legible and unobtrusive. Avoid fonts that distract from your message, such as overly stylized options.


Traditional fonts like Helvetica, Arial, or Gill Sans are reliable choices. Use a larger font size for titles and ensure your body text is readable.


Keep text minimal on your slides, opting for bullet points instead of full sentences to maintain audience attention during your presentation.

4. Color Theory

Color plays a crucial role in PowerPoint design, evoking specific feelings and responses. Brighter colors may seem more playful, while darker tones often portray professionalism.

Stick to your brand’s color palette or use a primary color complemented by neutrals to maintain consistency.

![Hornette PowerPoint template]

You can explore color theory principles, such as complementary and contrasting colors, to create visually appealing presentations.


5. Details Matter

Subtle design details can significantly enhance your presentation. Consider incorporating:


High-quality stock photography can elevate your design and add visual interest.



Using icons can simplify your slides and replace text, making your message clearer.



Charts can help visualize complex data, but should be used judiciously to avoid overwhelming your audience.


Incorporating multimedia elements can enhance interactivity, but they should not distract from your core message.

Transitions and Animations

While transitions and animations can add flair, overusing them can distract your audience. Use them sparingly to emphasize key points.

Applying Good PowerPoint Design Principles

Step 1: Plan Your Content

Before diving into design, clarify your key messages. Determine what you want your audience to remember after the presentation. Your design should support these core messages.

Step 2: Establish Design Basics

Define your color and typography choices early. These elements will serve as the foundation for your slides.

Step 3: Collect Your Imagery

Gather any photography or visual elements you wish to include in your presentation.

Step 4: Define Slide Layouts

Design a few layouts that can be applied throughout your slides for consistency. Aim for a balance of variety and cohesion.




Designing Great Slides with PPT Templates

To quickly create effective slides, consider using a professional PowerPoint template.

![Minimalism Clean PowerPoint template]

Step 1: Choose Your Slides

Select the slides you want to customize from your template.

Step 2: Customize the Title Slide

The title slide should grab attention; customize it with engaging visuals and fonts.


Step 3: Layer Text and Images

Experiment with layering text over images to create visual interest.


Step 4: Avoid Rigid Layouts

Break away from traditional grid layouts to create more engaging slides by varying image placement.


Step 5: Enhance Text with Icons

Replace bullet points with icons to make your slides more engaging.


Find the Best Premade PowerPoint Templates

Premade PowerPoint templates can significantly speed up your design process, featuring attractive designs and useful elements.

![PowerPoint presentation design templates]

5 Best PowerPoint Presentation Design Templates for 2024

1. Nextar - Multipurpose PowerPoint Presentation Template


2. Brusher - Trendy PowerPoint Presentation


3. Native - Minimalist PowerPoint Presentation Template


4. Mild - PowerPoint Presentation Template


5. Sprint - Bold PowerPoint Template


Explore additional PowerPoint presentation design templates in the resources provided.

Design principles should align with your presentation objectives. Here are five trends that effectively utilize these principles:

1. Consistent Use of Color

Color can unify your presentation, maintaining visual coherence across slides.


2. Infographics for Data Representation

Infographics make complex data more digestible and engaging.


3. Abstract Shapes

Incorporating abstract shapes can add a modern and dynamic feel to your slides.


4. High-Quality Photography

Utilize large, impactful images to convey your message effectively.


5. Dark Theme Aesthetics

Dark themes can create a striking, modern look, especially in tech-related presentations.



In this tutorial, we’ve covered the essentials of effective PowerPoint presentation design. Remember, good design often goes unnoticed but contributes significantly to your message’s clarity. Focus on simplicity, consistency, and audience engagement as you create your presentations.

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