Great End of Internship Presentation Ideas

5 minutes read


You’ve landed your dream internship, and you’re wondering what comes next. How will you share your new knowledge, the culmination of everything you learned? The answer is during an internship presentation.

Many times, a final intern presentation can influence a full-time job offer. That means that you want to put your best foot forward as you give an internship PowerPoint presentation. In this article, we’ll provide tips to nail your end of internship presentation.

What Is an Internship Presentation?

An internship presentation is shared after your internship experience. In this presentation, you’ll provide a comprehensive overview of your tasks and actions during your internship. Essentially, you’re briefing managers on what you contributed during your time there.

Consider your internship experience PowerPoint presentation as a capstone that encapsulates everything you have accomplished during your internship. It’s your last, best chance to showcase what you have learned and summarize your experiences for managers and other stakeholders in the business.


As a general rule, you’ll want to first outline your tasks and assignments. Perhaps you supported a key functional area for the duration of your internship. Alternatively, many internships revolve around the completion of a specific project or task.

Regardless of the structure, you’ll want to clearly outline the scope of your internship assignment. Following that, share details of what you learned and how you applied these skills to the tasks at hand. Be sure to include how your prior experiences helped, and use charts and data to bring your successes to life!

Each job may have its own requirements for an end of internship presentation, but these guidelines are widely applicable and can help you leave a lasting impression.

How to Give a Great End of Internship Presentation

When creating your internship experience PowerPoint presentation, it’s essential to map it out in advance. An outline will help you stay focused and organized.

A good way to structure your presentation is to break it into four categories:

  1. Outline Your Assignment: What were you tasked with doing during your internship?
  2. Discuss Results: What actions did you take to support or complete your assigned tasks?
  3. Share Your Learning Experience: What skills did you acquire, and how did you apply them in the internship setting?
  4. Express Gratitude: Acknowledge the learning and networking opportunities you enjoyed.

With this framework in mind, let’s dive into each section.

Share What You Worked On

The starting point of your final intern presentation should be to share what you worked on. Since every internship is different, it’s crucial to set the stage early on.

Typically, you’ll be presenting to one or more managers, and it’s vital to clearly outline your assignment right from the start. This context allows your success to be measured effectively.


To build a successful final intern presentation, specificity is key. Don’t gloss over important details. Create a detailed slide-based overview of what you worked on at the beginning of your slide deck. After introducing yourself, move straight into this section.

Key points to include:

  • Who you collaborated with on functional and cross-functional teams
  • Specific tasks assigned to you, whether in a team setting or as a sole contributor
  • Metrics for completion and success
  • The goals outlined for you at the beginning of your internship

In essence, you are communicating your daily responsibilities and overall goals. As you share, strive to balance detail with brevity—keeping this section to one or two slides if possible.

Share a Key Project (And Results and Recommendations)

Once you’ve set the stage, it’s time to highlight a key project you worked on. Many internships involve completing one significant task or project during the tenure.

This key project will be the main takeaway for your audience, showcasing the value you delivered to the firm.

To make a strong impression, illustrate how the project helped you learn about the business. Internships provide mutual benefit; by discussing your work, you’ll show how your contributions added value to the company while enhancing your own understanding of its operations.


Be specific about the success of the project. Focus on the following:

  • Results of the Project: What tangible outcomes resulted from your work? A deliverable? Process improvements?
  • Supporting Data: If your project improved efficiency by 20%, illustrate this with a chart.
  • Key Learnings: What skills or insights did you gain while completing the project?
  • Future Benefits: Explain how your completed project will continue to benefit the company after your internship concludes.

Finally, consider making a recommendation based on your project experience. Proposing additional actions can leave a lasting impact, especially if you aim for full-time employment at the company in the future.

Share Your Experiences

While the project you just discussed is a critical part of your end of internship presentation, it won’t encompass everything you learned. After discussing the project, take a moment to reflect on your overall experiences.

Highlight the skills you refined, such as networking and communication. Remember, internships offer more than just business acumen; they enhance your work and life experiences.


Focus on the benefits you gained from the internship, sharing memorable highlights and what you enjoyed about the working environment. If applicable, briefly mention involvement in activities outside of work, particularly if you relocated for the internship.

Keep this section concise; use it to add interest and show appreciation while remaining on topic. Your goal is to convey the value you derived from the internship experience.

Show Gratitude

Internships are collaborative endeavors, heavily influenced by those around you. As a newcomer in an unfamiliar environment, it’s crucial to acknowledge the support and guidance you received.


This is an important aspect of your internship presentation, as it’s the final impression you’ll leave on your audience. Thank everyone who played a role in your experience, and be specific in recognizing individuals who helped you along the way.

Expressing gratitude not only reflects on your growth but also fosters a positive environment for future interns. It’s the perfect way to conclude your presentation and leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

You Just Learned How to Give a Great End of Internship Presentation

As you wrap up your internship, you’re now ready to deliver an end of internship presentation with confidence. Use the tips provided in this article to prepare your presentation, and remember to showcase your unique experiences and insights.

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