Create a PowerPoint Morph Transition

5 minutes read


Do you want to add an extra flair to your presentation? A great way to add some excitement is by incorporating the morph transition in PowerPoint. This transition effect is visually appealing while remaining non-distracting.


This article will guide you through the process of applying the morph transition to your PowerPoint presentation template and address some frequently asked questions related to PowerPoint.

How to Apply the Morph Transition

To make your presentation more engaging for your audience, follow these steps to apply the morph transition:

1. Choose a Template


Before using the morph transition, you need to download a PowerPoint template first.

The template used in this tutorial is the Latte PowerPoint template from Envato Elements. This template features over 50 modern and creative slides, as well as charts and graphs for your data. The Latte template is minimalistic, making it suitable for any occasion.

Note: This tutorial was created using macOS and PowerPoint version 16.68. If you are using a different operating system or version, your steps may vary slightly.

2. Duplicate a Slide


To create a morph transition, you’ll need to duplicate the slide where you want the transition effect to appear.

Select the slide you wish to duplicate, indicated by an orange box around it. Right-click on the selected slide, and from the menu that appears, choose the Duplicate Slide option.

3. Add Transitions


Click on the duplicated slide, then navigate to the Transitions tab in the toolbar. Here, you will find the Transitions menu. Click the down arrow at the bottom to expand the menu.

4. Select Effect Options


In the Transitions menu, the second option is Morph. Click on Morph to apply the morph transition to your slide.

5. Preview Morph


Once you’ve selected the Morph option, PowerPoint will automatically preview the effect. If you’re unhappy with the preview, feel free to make adjustments as needed.

Control Transition Timing

You can choose when your morph transition occurs. Here’s how to manage the timing:

1. Access the Timing Group


Select the morph slide and click on the Transitions tab. In the toolbar, locate the Timing Group.

2. Adjust Duration


In the Timing Group, you’ll find a Duration: field that allows you to change the duration of the morph transition.

Remember, the duration is measured in seconds. You can either type in a number or use the up and down arrows in the field to adjust it.

3. Set On Mouse Click Option


In the Timing Group, you will see an On Mouse Click field with a checkbox. If you want the morph transition to occur automatically, uncheck this box.

You can also specify when the morphing starts by checking the After box and setting the desired time using the number field or the arrows.

4. Viewing the Effects


You can preview your morph transition in two ways:

  • From the Transitions Tab: Click on the Preview button after selecting the Transitions tab.

  • From the Slide Show Tab: In the toolbar, click the Play from Start button to preview your entire presentation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Can I Add Audio to PowerPoint?

Yes, you can add audio to your PowerPoint presentations to engage your audience. For detailed instructions, check out this article:

2. How Can I Make My Presentation More Exciting?

In addition to the morph transition, using animations can enhance the excitement of your presentation. Some premium templates, like the Latte PowerPoint Template used here, come with built-in animations. For more on animations, read:

3. How Do I Add Text to My PowerPoint Slide?

Adding text is straightforward with premium templates since the text boxes are pre-existing. To learn more about adding text and effects, refer to this article:

4. Is an Outline Needed to Create a Presentation?

While an outline is not mandatory, it can be beneficial for planning your presentation and ensuring a coherent flow. Read more about outlining presentations here:

5. Can I Use My PowerPoint Presentation in Google Slides?

Yes, you can easily convert your PowerPoint presentation to Google Slides. For guidance, follow this tutorial:

Top Source for Premium PowerPoint Templates

Envato Elements is a leading source for premium PowerPoint templates. With a subscription, you gain unlimited access to a vast collection of templates, fonts, images, audio, and more.

Using a premium template saves you time and enhances the professionalism of your presentation. They are designed by professionals, ensuring that you start with a quality base. All components of a good premium template are editable, allowing you to personalize your presentation effortlessly.

Explore Envato Elements for more templates.

Enhance Your Presentation with Morph Transitions

Incorporating morph transitions can significantly enhance the visual appeal of your presentations. Using a premium PowerPoint template not only saves you time but also elevates the overall quality. Consider subscribing to Envato Elements to take advantage of this valuable resource!

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