Creating Tables in Google Slides

6 minutes read


Google Slides has many features that help you present information in new and creative ways. One of these features is a Google Slides table. Tables arrange data into rows and columns for easy viewing.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to make a table in Google Slides, which helps you present data in a way that is easy for your viewers to scan and read. We will cover Google Slides table formatting and much more. Let’s jump in!

Why Use Google Slides Tables?

Google Slides is a powerful online application for creating and sharing presentations. It operates in your web browser, eliminating the need for software installation. This online platform makes it easy to collaborate with others and share your work worldwide.

While tables are often associated with numerical data, Google Slides table formatting allows you to add text or numbers quickly.


But before we dive into how to create a table in Google Slides, let’s consider the reasons why utilizing tables in your presentations is beneficial.

When creating slides, your goal is to inform or persuade your audience about a specific topic. You want to build knowledge and inspire action, which requires clear and easy-to-read slide layouts.

Tables help you achieve these goals by avoiding clutter on your slides. Instead of paragraphs of information, grouping data into a clean table design with rows and columns is far more effective.

Here are additional reasons to use tables in Google Slides:

  • Classification of Data: Tables help categorize items logically. For example, a table can list sales by product model (columns) across different years (rows).
  • Stylish Customization: Tables are easily customizable with colors, shading, and backgrounds.
  • Efficient Use of Space: Table layouts in Google Slides convey more information in a compact format without appearing cluttered.

It’s clear that Google Slides table designs are invaluable for effective presentations. Now, let’s learn how to add a table in Google Slides!

Adding a New Table to Google Slides

Now that we’ve explored the advantages of using tables, let’s learn how to add one in Google Slides using simple steps.

A great way to start is with a premium Google Slides template from Envato Elements. With thousands of designs available, you’re sure to find the perfect template. The Elements subscription model offers outstanding value: join for a flat monthly rate and enjoy unlimited downloads.


For this tutorial, we’ll use the Archive - Google Slide Presentation Template from Envato Elements. With over 30 adaptable slides, it suits various project needs.

Once you have the template open in Google Slides, navigate to the slide where you want to insert a table. You can do this on any slide in any presentation. Premium templates combined with Slides’ built-in features offer unmatched flexibility.

Choosing a Google Slides Table Layout

Before adding a table, think about the data you need to present. Is it numerical or text-based? The key to success with Google Slides tables is selecting a layout that best fits your data.

For instance, if your dataset includes annual sales numbers for four products (Widget 1, 2, 3, and 4) over five years, consider how to best lay this out. You can place products in rows and years in columns or vice versa.

Let’s choose the latter, with products in rows. However, remember that years and dollar values lack meaning without context, so we must include headers in our table. This means we need to insert a six-row, five-column table.


To add a table, navigate to the Insert menu in the upper left of your screen in the Slides menu bar. Click on it, and a list of options will appear. Select Table, and a sidebar with small square thumbnails will appear, allowing you to customize the number of rows and columns.

Drag your cursor to select 5x6 for your table dimensions, then click to insert it onto your slide.


After clicking, Google Slides will automatically insert the table, which you can edit just like any other design element. You can add data to the table by clicking into any cell and typing, or you can paste in data from another source.

Updating Tables in Google Slides

With your table layout built in Google Slides, you have effectively presented information in a clear and creative manner. However, you may need to update your table later, such as removing rows or adding new data.

Simply deleting the contents of table cells will not remove the cells themselves, leaving you with empty spaces. Instead, you can easily modify the table.

To update the table, click into any cell in the last (right-most) column and right-click.


A menu will appear with options for inserting new rows or columns:

  • Insert Row Above
  • Insert Row Below
  • Insert Column Left
  • Insert Column Right

Choose the option that suits your needs. For instance, if you want to add a new product, select Insert Column Right and fill in the new data.

To delete a row, click into any cell in that row and right-click. Select Delete Row to remove it entirely, along with its data. Similarly, you can delete columns or even the entire table if necessary.


By updating tables in this manner, you can ensure that your tables always align with your evolving dataset.

Formatting Tables in Google Slides

Formatting your Google Slides table enhances its style and readability. Without proper formatting, designs can appear flat and uninviting, and row and column headers may lack emphasis. A few simple formatting steps can help your tables stand out.

First, bold the headers to make them easily recognizable. Click and drag to select the contents of the first row, and then click Bold in the Font section of the menu bar.


Repeat this for the contents of the first column (the years) to ensure consistency across your table.

Next, consider aligning your text. Centering text and numbers makes for a visually appealing design. To center the content, select the entire table, then use the Align button on the menu bar. Choose Center from the drop-down options.


Adding color shading to your table can enhance contrast and improve readability. Select the header row, find the Fill Color button that looks like a paint bucket, and choose a color from the palette. This adds a vibrant touch to your table.


With these steps, your Google Slides table will be complete and stylish, giving your presentation a polished look.


You have now learned how to add and format a table in Google Slides. Presenting data becomes much more accessible when utilizing a Google Slides table, and with the formatting tips provided, your presentations can look more professional and engaging.

Now it’s your turn! Practice creating a table in Google Slides and elevate your presentations with clear, data-rich layouts.

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