Best Practices for Creating Webinar Presentations in 2024

7 minutes read


Learn how to create a webinar presentation that makes a positive impact on your business.

It’s vital that you follow the webinar best practices we lay out in this article.

Done right, webinars can help you nurture your new subscribers and leads as well as turn existing subscribers into customers. However, if you don’t follow webinar best practices, you risk leaving your audience frustrated. This means your webinar won’t help you achieve your goals, and it will be a waste of your time.

If you’ve ever wondered how to create a webinar that people want to sign up for and attend, then you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll share the essential webinar best practices to follow that will help you not only learn how to create a webinar presentation but also leave your audience raving about you and your brand.

Is Creating a Webinar Right for You?

While webinars are a great marketing strategy, they’re not the right choice for every business. Unfortunately, many business owners and marketers dive into webinar production without taking the time to understand whether creating a webinar is appropriate for their audience and objectives.

This leads to webinars that offer no value to the audience, leaving businesses with an email list full of subscribers that aren’t the right fit for their services or products.

To help you avoid that pitfall, here are a few points to consider before you decide to create a webinar:

  • Unique Insight: Can you offer a new and detailed outlook on a particular aspect of your niche? If yes, then a webinar would be a good fit. If you plan on covering a very broad topic without adding more value or unique insight, then a webinar isn’t a good fit.

  • Thorough Explanations: A webinar is an excellent fit if you plan to offer a thorough explanation of a new concept in your industry, including industry news or a detailed tutorial on how to perform a specific task.

  • Audience Needs: If you know your audience’s burning problem and can provide them with an immediate solution through your presentation, then a webinar is a great fit for your business.

  • Value Over Sales: A webinar isn’t for you if you plan to do nothing more than talk about your services or products with a straightforward sales pitch throughout the session. A webinar should provide value to your audience and build trust, leading them to choose to buy from you when the time is right.

Now that you know whether you should consider using a webinar, let’s take a look at the best practices for creating the content, setting up the tech, and marketing and promoting your webinar.

Best Webinar Practices for Content and Structure

The first set of best practices deals with the content and structure of your webinar. You’ll find tips and advice that will help you come up with an interesting topic, create your slide deck, choose your speakers, and more.

Understand Your Audience

Before anything else, make sure you know your audience well. Understanding their needs, struggles, and goals is crucial as it will dictate everything from your topic to your marketing strategy.

Choose the Right Topic

The right topic will help your audience overcome their biggest challenges or educate them on how to address their needs. It should raise their awareness about your offer and position you as the expert, which builds trust. Look for potential topic ideas in places like customer support requests, FAQs, social media interactions, and analytics on your most visited pages.

Consider the Format

Choose the right format for your webinar based on your audience’s preferences and the complexity of your topic. Options include a single-presenter format, a Q&A interview, or a panel discussion.

Choose the Right Speakers

If you opt for guest speakers, ensure they are knowledgeable about the topic and comfortable on camera. Their expertise will be valuable during the Q&A portion of the webinar.

Save Time With a Slide Deck Template

Using a premade PowerPoint template can save you time and ensure your presentation looks professional. Customize the template with your branding, keep slides concise, and include visual elements to enhance engagement.

Prepare a Script

Prepare a script to follow during your webinar. This will help you remember key points, stay on topic, and keep track of time.

Best Webinar Practices for Marketing and Promotion

Once you’re clear on the topic and structure of your webinar, it’s time to tackle marketing and promotion. Here are recommended best practices to follow.

Create a Dedicated Webinar Landing Page

A dedicated landing page for webinar registrations allows you to accurately track marketing campaigns and optimize for conversion rates.

Use Multiple Channels to Promote Your Webinar

Promote your webinar across various online channels, including your social media profiles, blog posts, guest posts on influential blogs, and email campaigns to your mailing list.

Check Email Automation and Campaign Tracking

Ensure that your email automation and campaign tracking are functioning correctly before the webinar. This includes confirmation emails and tracking which channels drive the most registrations.

Send Email Reminders

Send email reminders the day before the webinar and on the day of the webinar, including reminders an hour before you go live.

Best Webinar Presentation Design Practices

The visual appeal of your presentation is important as it affects your audience’s perception and engagement. Here’s how to create a compelling webinar presentation:

Design for Your Audience

Choose a design template that resonates with your audience. For a creative audience, opt for colorful designs; for a conservative audience, stick to a more conventional approach.

Don’t Be Afraid to Experiment

Try out different slide designs to see what works best for your content. With resources like Envato Elements, you can access a wide range of webinar templates.

Ensure Template Cohesion

Consistency in theme and colors makes your webinar look more professional. Avoid loud colors that clash and detract from your message.

Include Slides for Questions

If your webinar includes a Q&A session, anticipate common questions and create slides to address them.

Design for Online Viewing

Ensure your slides are easy to read on screen. Use legible fonts, limit the number of images, and choose colors that enhance visibility.

Best Practices for Tech Setup

Technical considerations are crucial when planning your webinar:

Choose the Right Platform

Select a webinar platform that suits your needs, whether free like YouTube Live Streaming or a paid option that offers more features.

Invest in Quality Equipment

A quality camera and microphone will enhance the audio and visual quality of your webinar, improving the audience’s experience.

Improve Your Wi-Fi Connection

Use a wired connection if possible, and minimize bandwidth usage by closing unnecessary applications during the webinar.

Conduct a Test Run

Always do a test run to check that your equipment is functioning correctly and that there are no issues with your internet connection or the webinar platform.

Dial In Early and Start Late

Log in early to set up your presentation and start the webinar a couple of minutes after the scheduled time to accommodate latecomers.

Follow-Up After the Webinar

Following up with your audience is key to maintaining engagement:

Email the Replay Within 24 Hours

Send out the webinar replay, slides, and any additional materials within 24 hours to keep your brand top of mind.

Survey Your Audience

Collect feedback through surveys to understand what your audience loved and what could be improved for future webinars.

Best Templates for Webinar Design

The aesthetics of your webinar template are essential for making a professional impression. Here are some top webinar templates to consider:



Playmaker offers 50 unique slides in both 16:9 and 4:3 formats, with light and dark versions available.

Ogiro: Webinar, Seminar & Conference PowerPoint


Ogiro comes in a widescreen format featuring image placeholders and vector shapes for easy illustration addition.

Bomero - Webinar Event PowerPoint


Bomero includes sixty slides with 30 unique designs, available in both light and dark versions, and is user-friendly for adding images.

Pozea: Webinar, Seminar & Conference PowerPoint


Pozea features a colorful minimal design and offers two color scheme options, along with device mockups.

Bizpark - Business PowerPoint Template


Bizpark boasts a total of 12,000 slides with 30 unique designs and three color schemes, making customization simple.

For more options, explore additional webinar PowerPoint templates available online.

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