PowerPoint Presentation Tips

9 minutes read

@ tutsplus.com

Learn how to make a PowerPoint presentation interesting so that your content reaches and impacts the audience. If your goal is to create an interesting PowerPoint, here are some tips and ideas.

We’ve all sat through too many boring PowerPoint presentations. Many speakers don’t know how to make a PowerPoint presentation interesting, which leads to the audience zoning out and barely hearing the message. 


But with a few tips and tricks, you can engage the audience and reach them powerfully. Combine compelling PowerPoint slides with speaking points, and you’re on your way to an excellent presentation.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to make a PowerPoint presentation interesting. You’ll see that PowerPoint is a powerful tool that, when used properly, can engage an audience.

10 Tips to Make Any PowerPoint Presentation Slide Design More Interesting

As you build your slides, there are a few top tips to make your PowerPoint presentations more interesting. Let’s check out ten of them here. We’ll work inside the Creative PowerPoint Template from Envato Elements to illustrate the value of a professional, premium template to your design.

Elements is an all-you-can-download service with outstanding PowerPoint templates. For a single flat rate, you can source interesting PowerPoint templates that embody all of the design principles. Or, try out the GraphicRiver marketplace to purchase interesting PowerPoint templates one-by-one.

Let’s see just one of the thousands of templates in action throughout this section.

1. Declutter Your Slides

Learning how to make a PowerPoint presentation interesting can involve something unexpected: omission. That means building clean and readable slides.


PowerPoint slides with too much content on them are distracting. They’re also hard to read, and you’ll lose an audience with too many of them. That’s why it pays to cut down on content.

Fortunately, pre-built templates from Envato are designed with this in mind. They include compelling PowerPoint slides with just the right amount of content.

2. Change Up the Colors

No matter what type of template you’re using, PowerPoint makes it easy to change slide colors. The critical element of making PowerPoint slides more interesting involves adding visual interest.

Fortunately, that’s easy to do in PowerPoint. Working in any presentation, navigate to the Design tab on the ribbon. Under the Variants dropdown, you’ll see a wide variety of theme colors.


Hover over one to preview and click to select. You can instantly change up the look and feel of your slide deck.

3. Use Images for Interest

To create exciting PowerPoint designs, be sure to use images. All-text slides get boring fast.

Elements themes include image placeholders to help you get started. You’ll click on one to import your image.


A few ideas:

  • Choose images that support your message.
  • Use your photos if you can.
  • And remember, Envato Elements gives you access to thousands of beautiful stock photos that look great on any slide.

4. Customize Fonts

Photos are presentation gold, but words do the talking. A crucial part of how to make a PowerPoint interesting is customizing fonts.

PowerPoint includes a variety of built-in fonts, or you can add your custom options from the Envato Elements fonts section. Fonts live on the Home tab on PowerPoint’s ribbon.


Freely swap out font designs and sizes to make every slide clear and beautifully readable. It’s an easy tip for PowerPoint that pays style dividends.

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5. Style Text with WordArt

You might wonder how to make compelling PowerPoint slides with big text captions. WordArt is a great way to do it.

WordArt brings a three-dimensional design to the text of your choice. To add some, go to PowerPoint’s Insert menu and choose the WordArt dropdown.


There are many choices, including art with pattern fills and shadows. Choose the one you want, and then start typing.

WordArt can be resized and moved around a slide like any other object. It’s a quick and straightforward way to customize text right inside of PowerPoint. For more, check out our full-length PowerPoint text style tutorial now!

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6. Use Animations to Set the Pace

Animations in PowerPoint are the best way to control the pace and focus of your presentation. They’re the tools used to introduce new slide elements.

Many Envato Elements and GraphicRiver templates include impressive pre-built animations. These take the work out of animated slide design.


Animations appear on your command, bringing new content with them. They can be distracting, so use them sparingly. But when done well, animations draw audience focus to specific areas and keep other content hidden until the moment is right.

7. Align Objects for Easy Viewing

Suppose you’re building attractive PowerPoint slides, and you’re using multiple types of content. Say, a title, some bullet points, and a photo. Toss them across the slide and it looks messy. That’s where alignments come in.

Alignments position content blocks relative to each other. This is visually appealing and ensures slides appear professional.


Click and drag to move an object in PowerPoint, and you’ll see helpful guidelines appear. That’s the fastest way to align a slide.

8. Introduce Compelling PowerPoint Slides With Stunning Transitions

As you discover how to create an exciting PowerPoint presentation, you’ve probably realized that you’ll need multiple slides. Transitions help you introduce them.


Transitions bring new slides into view. They’ve got their menu in PowerPoint, and they’re super easy to add. Click on one to preview and apply it to a slide.

Just like animations, transitions should be kept simple and used sparingly. Flashy options annoy audiences, but simple ones carry momentum and ensure each new slide is a fresh start from the last.

9. Make Data Compelling With Infographics

One of PowerPoint’s greatest design features is infographic slides. Infographics are visual tools that clearly illustrate data.


Interesting PowerPoint slides like this one include infographics that you can customize in seconds.

10. Edit Quickly With Slide Masters

One of the best PowerPoint tips for quick and interesting slide design is the use of Slide Master view. Slide Master enables edits in bulk, so you don’t have to repeat steps over and over.

Suppose that you want to add your logo to the corner of every slide. That might take hours in a long presentation. Slide Master makes it easy.


Launch it from the View tab by clicking on Slide Master. In the sidebar, you’ll see thumbnails of your slides. The larger ones are master slides; the master slide controls each indented slide below.

Thus, any edit you make to the master is automatically reflected on every slide below. In moments, you can reflect changes across your entire deck—no repeat effort required.

How to Make a PPT Slide Design More Interesting (Step by Step)

As you learn how to make a PowerPoint presentation interesting, it helps to learn why. Let’s do that by building two presentations side-by-side: one with boring design, and one with a custom template from Envato Elements applied.

Step 1. The Title Slide

Let’s start with a title slide. As you can see, this basic title gets the point across. But it’s dull and uninteresting. It doesn’t look professional.


Now, let’s open the beautiful template, STYLE - Multipurpose PowerPoint Template from Envato Elements. It also has a title slide, as you can see below.


But this template has more to offer. Note the bold custom fonts and the image placeholder to add a background photo.

To customize it, click on each text placeholder and type in your own words.

Next, click on the image icon in the center to add a background. Browse to a photo on your computer and click to insert it. In a flash, you’ve created a gorgeous custom title slide.


It’s got the same content as the dull, default option with no styling applied. But it looks so much better—and wasn’t any harder to build!

Step 2. The Timeline

Part of telling your story lies in tracing your journey. The slide above tells the story of a company’s history with some clumsy text. It gets the point across, but it’s uninspiring.


That’s where our STYLE template comes in. You’ll find a fantastic history timeline slide included.

To customize it, click on each text box to fill in your details. In a moment, you’ll have a beautiful and straightforward timeline to trace your path before an audience.


Step 3. The Mobile Mockup

Suppose you’ve got a website that you want to describe. Remember the expression: a picture is worth a thousand words. The description below won’t inspire anyone.


Custom templates like STYLE show us how to make interesting presentations with PowerPoint. The mobile device mockup above is a stunning visual representation of an actual device, and how a site will appear on it.


To use a mockup, capture a screenshot of your app or website on your device. Then transfer it to your computer.

Next, click on the photo placeholder on the phone screen, browse to the screenshot, and click to insert it. Last, adjust the surrounding text to fit your message.


As you can see, it doesn’t take long to make a stunning, interesting PowerPoint presentation design with a professional template.

5 More Tips to Make Interesting PowerPoint Presentations

PowerPoint is a great tool to build a presentation, but the best presenters use it as merely a supporting tool. Pro speakers use the five tips that I share below for better presentations:

  1. Spend the majority of your time writing the presentation. One of the best reasons to use interesting PowerPoint templates is that it frees you up to spend more time on research and writing. Content is always the key, so focus your efforts on that stage.
  2. Save time for Q&A. Presentations can be interactive! Leave time for the audience to ask questions and spark discussion.
  3. Keep it visual. Visuals are the best way to support a speaking point. Data tables should be charts and graphs, and walls of text should be converted to infographics.
  4. Give the presentation a fitting finish. Help the audience keep the conversation going by giving them the next steps to take. Where can they learn more? How can they implement your suggestions?
  5. Include contact details. Similar to the point above, make sure that your audience can extend the conversation by reaching out to you after the presentation concludes.

Build a More Interesting PowerPoint Today

In this tutorial, you learned the essentials of how to make a PowerPoint presentation interesting. A combination of slide design and speaking principles can help you make an excellent presentation. 

Don’t forget that great templates from Envato Elements and GraphicRiver are helpful when you’re working to make your PowerPoint interesting. It frees you to do the content research and writing that’s critical to success.

More importantly, remember that your PowerPoint presentation should support you in your speaking instead of speaking for you. This is the key to locking the audience’s attention and holding it.

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