Present Your Google Slides Effectively

5 minutes read


You’ve created a top-notch Google slideshow. Now that you’re ready to present those great slideshow presentation slides, here’s what you need to know.

Understanding Google Slides Presentation

It’s one thing to create an effective Google Slides presentation. It’s another thing to present the slideshow you created. Before you give your presentation, do some preparation work first.


This guide will cover how to present using Google Slides, including using Google’s slideshow presenter (also called Presenter view). You will learn how to prepare your presentation, utilize the Google slideshow auto-advance feature, and effectively use transitions and the Google Slides Speaker Notes tool.

Start With the Right Template


In this tutorial, we’ll demonstrate how to present in Google Slides using the Yukee Google Slides Presentation Template. You can download the template to follow along or use your own favorite template.

This template is a multipurpose premium template from Envato Elements that comes with 42 different slides, picture placeholders, and icons.

If you find a PowerPoint template you like, you can still use it in Google Slides. Here’s a tutorial on how to convert a PowerPoint template:

How to Present Your Presentation

Now let’s delve into how to present Google Slides, starting with Presenter view.

Learn About Presenter View

Presenter View allows you to pause, navigate to the next slide, and view your Google Slides notes without letting the audience see them.

Here’s how to access the Google Slides Presenter View:

  1. Open the Google Slides template that you plan to use.


  2. Click the arrow next to the Slideshow button in the upper right of the screen. You’ll see three options:

    • Presenter view
    • Start from beginning
    • Present on another screen
  3. Choose the Presenter view option from the menu. A Google Slides Presenter view window will appear with your presentation in the background.


In the Google Slides Presenter window, you can control your presentation with the following features:

  • Next Thumbnail: Click on this option to go to the next slide.
  • Previous Thumbnail: Click on this option to return to the previous slide.
  • Slide List: Access a list of your slides.
  • Timer Pause/Reset: Control the timer for your presentation.
  • Zoom In and Out: Change the font size of your speaker notes.
  • Audience Tools: Start a Q&A session with your audience.

For more information on Q&A tools and Speaker Notes, check out this tutorial:

Prepare for Your Presentation

Before you give your presentation, consider the following:

  1. Decide if you want your presentation to advance automatically and loop.
  2. Choose the types of transitions you want between your slides.
  3. Compose your Speaker Notes for live presentations.
  4. Plan and practice your presentation.

Setting Up Auto Advance and Looping

Auto Advance allows your Google Slides presentation to automatically move to the next slide after a set period. Looping restarts your presentation after the last slide displays.

To set up these features, open your presentation and select File > Share > Publish to the web. Choose the Link or Embed tab, then follow these steps:

  1. Use the up and down arrows beneath the Auto-advance slides field to select a time period.
  2. Check the box for Start slideshow as soon as the player loads to start automatically.
  3. Check the box for Restart the slideshow after the last slide if you want it to loop.
  4. Click Publish to finalize your settings.

Setting Up Transitions

To add transitions between slides, click the Transition option in the toolbar menu to open the Motion panel. Google Slides offers several transition effects to choose from.

For a complete tutorial on using transitions, check out:

Setting Up Speaker Notes

To use the Speaker Notes feature, select View > Show speaker notes while editing your presentation. Your notes will display beneath the current slide:


Your audience will see the slideshow, but you’ll have access to your notes while presenting. Press ESC to close the Speaker Notes when you’re done.

Plan and Practice Your Presentation

Planning and practicing are essential for a successful presentation. Consider the following questions during your planning process:

  • Who is my audience?
  • What do they already know about the topic?
  • Where will I present, and what is the venue like?
  • How much time do I have?

Once you’ve answered these questions, practice your presentation multiple times to become familiar with it.

Make Your Presentation

Once you’ve completed your preparation, it’s time to present. There are three main formats to consider:

  1. In-person: Deliver your presentation to a live audience.
  2. Streaming: Stream your Google Slides presentation using a mobile device.
  3. Online: Publish your Google Slides presentation.

If you’re presenting in person, remember that many people experience anxiety. Here are some resources to help you feel more confident:

Top Source for Google Slides Presentation Templates

Regularly using Google Slides can be enhanced with premium templates, which can save you time and provide a solid foundation for your presentations.


To access premium templates, consider subscribing to Envato Elements, which offers a variety of presentation templates, fonts, images, and more.

Get Ready for Your Next Presentation

You’ve learned how to effectively give a Google Slides presentation, including using features like Presenter view, Speaker Notes, and auto-advancing slides.

Now, you’re ready to present! Consider using a professional presentation template to enhance your visual appeal and improve your overall presentation quality.

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