Create Nonprofit Presentations with PowerPoint

5 minutes read


Do you need to raise funds and awareness for your nonprofit? You need a pitch deck so your nonprofit organization can gain support from donors and the community.

Special Presentation Concerns for Non-Profits

Creating a pitch deck for a nonprofit organization involves unique considerations that differ from typical business presentations. Here are some key aspects to keep in mind when preparing your PowerPoint presentation:

  • Sharing Your Impact: Unlike for-profit businesses that can showcase impressive revenue figures, nonprofits often need to convey their impact through qualitative measures. This can be a challenge, but it’s essential to communicate the value of your work.

  • Highlighting Community Need: Demonstrating the needs of your community is crucial. Make sure to articulate how your organization addresses these needs effectively.

  • Meeting Special Requirements: If you’re preparing a presentation for a grant, ensure that you adhere to the specific requirements outlined by the grantor. This will be a vital part of your slide deck’s structure.


Despite these unique challenges, creating an effective presentation is achievable. In this tutorial, we will utilize a template to guide you in developing a solid nonprofit pitch deck.

NGO: A Nonprofit Strategic Plan Template

This tutorial is based on the NGO nonprofit pitch deck template available on Envato Elements. This resource offers a variety of unique slides with vibrant color themes, stylish fonts, and useful infographics that can enhance your presentation.


For this tutorial, you can follow along using the NGO template if you have an Envato Elements subscription. Simply download the template and proceed with the steps outlined here.

Note: This tutorial was written using Sonoma 14.2.1 OS. If you’re using a different operating system or version of PowerPoint, there may be slight variations in the steps.

How to Create a Convincing Nonprofit Slide Deck

Now, let’s dive into creating slides using our nonprofit pitch deck example. We will focus on three important types of slides: Meet the Organization, Community Needs, and Financial Overview.

1. Meet the Organization Slide

To introduce your organization effectively, we will create a slide that provides a brief overview. We will use slide 10 from the NGO template as a starting point.


Though NGO provides appealing default colors, you might want to align them with your organization’s branding. Start by clicking on the Design tab at the top of PowerPoint.

In the theme gallery on the top left, expand the theme options by clicking the down arrow. Select one of these themes that best suits your nonprofit’s identity.


If none of the premade themes fit, you can create a custom color scheme. Open the variants gallery next to the theme gallery, click on the down arrow, and select Customize Colors… to access customization options.


Once you have your color theme set, customize the slide by adding text that succinctly describes your organization. Avoid excessive detail, as further slides can provide more information.

Finish the slide by clicking on the image placeholder and inserting a relevant image, such as a group photo of your team or the community you serve. Here’s an example of how the finished About Us slide looks:


This minimalistic slide effectively combines text and imagery with just a few clicks. Let’s move to customizing the next two slides.

2. Community Needs Slide

Articulating the needs of your community is a vital aspect of your presentation. For this, we will utilize slide 20 from the template.


Before modifying slide 20, duplicate it to create a slide for testimonials later. Right-click slide 20 in the left pane and select Duplicate Slide. Update the title of this new slide accordingly.

Instead of a quote, add bullet points to highlight statistics that reveal the challenges faced by the community your nonprofit serves. Pair these statistics with a compelling image in the available placeholder.

Here’s how these elements can be integrated on this slide:


3. Financial Overview Slide

To effectively communicate how your organization utilizes funding, we will customize slide 42. This is particularly important for presentations that involve budget discussions.


On this slide, I will focus on outlining the costs associated with new services and initiatives, keeping the information concise with project names, descriptions, and estimated costs. You can supplement this slide with a detailed financial handout.

This table is easily editable, and here’s an example of how it can be presented in your nonprofit pitch deck:


As demonstrated, creating a nonprofit pitch deck using pre-made templates like NGO can streamline the design process while providing a platform to effectively convey your message.

5 Tips for Making Better Non-Profit Presentations

Having explored how to craft stunning slides for your nonprofit pitch deck, here are additional tips to elevate your PowerPoint presentations:

1. Get to Know Donors

Before creating your slides, consider the interests and motivations of potential donors. Understanding what resonates with them can enhance your presentation’s effectiveness.


2. Use Storytelling

Incorporate compelling stories about individuals or communities your organization has positively impacted. These narratives are powerful tools for connecting with your audience.

3. Stay Grounded in Data

Combine qualitative stories with quantitative data to highlight your organization’s successes. Presenting key figures can help underscore the significance of your work.


4. Keep it Minimal

Avoid clutter by maintaining a clean and minimalistic design. Use a limited color palette and fonts to reduce distractions and keep your audience focused.

5. Have a Call to Action

Conclude your presentation with a clear call to action. Encourage your audience to take specific steps that will support your nonprofit’s mission.


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