Benefits of Public Speaking

5 minutes read


Do you wonder whether there are any benefits of public speaking? In this article you’ll learn 12 very real benefits of public speaking.


You may wonder why you should bother with public speaking. If you’re like most people, you probably don’t enjoy it and might even be afraid of it. However, there are some very real advantages of public speaking that can help you in both your professional and personal life.


There are actually more benefits of public speaking than you might think. From increased confidence to networking opportunities, the advantages of public speaking can significantly enhance your life. How’s that for public speaking motivation?

In this article, you’ll explore the benefits of public speaking in detail. We’ll discuss each advantage and provide you with helpful tips. Additionally, you’ll learn why taking a public speaking class can be beneficial and how to find one near you.

Guide to Making Great Presentations (Free eBook Download)

Before you dive into the benefits, be sure to grab our free eBook: The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations. It will help you master the presentation process, from initial idea through to writing, design, and delivering with impact.


What Are the Benefits of Public Speaking?

Most people don’t think much about the benefits of public speaking, but there are many advantages that can make a real difference in your life. Here are 12 significant benefits that illustrate how public speaking can positively impact you:

1. Builds Your Confidence

Although you may feel nervous before your first speech, completing it provides a sense of accomplishment. Positive feedback from your audience can further bolster your confidence. With practice, your oral communication skills will improve, making you feel more comfortable and confident in your speaking abilities.

2. Improves Your Research Skills

A successful public presentation requires thorough research on your topic. You’ll learn how to find credible and relevant information, which benefits various professional and personal tasks, such as business report writing, academic studies, and marketing.

3. Strengthens Your Deductive Skills

Public speaking helps you improve your deductive reasoning skills by enabling you to work from a premise and draw conclusions based on researched information. This skill is useful in everyday life and business decision-making.

4. Markets Your Business

Public speaking serves as an effective tool for marketing your business. Focus your speech on subjects that interest potential customers, and as you continue to speak on a particular topic, you’ll gain recognition as an expert, thereby increasing your marketability.

5. Strengthens Your Oral Communication Skills

The more you practice giving speeches, the better your oral communication will become. These improved skills not only apply to future speeches but also enhance your everyday conversations.

6. Improves Your Chances of Getting Hired

Public speaking can significantly increase your chances of getting hired, as communication skills are highly valued by employers. A study found that over a third of employers list oral communication as one of the most important skills in job candidates.

7. Gives You a Chance to Meet Others With Similar Interests

Public speaking allows you to network and meet others in your industry. As a speaker, participants are more likely to engage with you, enhancing your professional connections.

8. Helps You Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking

Fear of public speaking is common. However, the more you practice, the less fearful you will become. As your confidence grows, your audience will perceive you as more comfortable, further reducing your anxiety.

9. Makes You More Aware of How Others Perceive You

Public speaking enhances your awareness of how you are perceived by others. You will learn to control factors such as posture, tone of voice, and hand gestures, leading to a more positive image in both speaking situations and everyday life.

10. Develop Better Writing Skills

Public speaking can enhance your writing skills. Techniques used in creating effective speeches can be applied to various writing tasks, leading to better performance in both school and work.

11. Learn to Be Calm in Stressful Situations

Public speaking teaches you how to stay calm under pressure. The calming techniques you learn can be applied to other stressful situations in life.

12. Be an Advocate for Causes You Care About

Improved public speaking skills empower you to advocate for causes you are passionate about, helping to raise awareness and motivate others to take action.

Why Take a Public Speaking Class?

Now that you understand the numerous benefits of public speaking, you might be interested in improving your skills. One of the best ways to do this is by enrolling in a public speaking course.

Taking a class can accelerate your learning, providing valuable feedback from instructors and peers. Here are some great places to find public speaking classes:

  1. Local community college - They often offer public speaking courses.
  2. Toastmasters International - An organization dedicated to improving communication and leadership skills.
  3. Public speaking meetups - Connect with others interested in public speaking.
  4. The Public Speaking Project - Offers free and low-cost instructional materials.
  5. Coursera and edX - Provide access to low-cost or free college courses.
  6. Other online resources - Utilize YouTube videos, blogs, and more.


The benefits of public speaking far outweigh any hesitation you might have about it. While taking a public speaking class is a great way to improve your skills, there are many other resources available to help you succeed. So, why not give public speaking a try?

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