Ideal Slide Count for Presentations

5 minutes read


Wondering how many slides to use for a 10-minute presentation, or even longer? Find out the ideal slide count for different presentations, whether short or long.

Presentations are an integral part of both professional and academic life. One of the first considerations when tasked with a presentation is determining its length and the corresponding number of slides.


Unfortunately, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to this question. However, this guide aims to help you determine how many slides you need for presentations of various lengths. Additionally, tips for effective timing and delivery will be provided.

How Many Slides for a 5-Minute Presentation?


Starting with the basics, how many slides should you use for a 5-minute presentation? While 5-minute presentations may not be standard, they can occur in settings like weekly meetings.

Can a Presentation Be Too Short?

If your presentation lasts less than ten minutes, it’s classified as short. While brevity can be effective, your message must still be clear. A short presentation is ideal when it contains essential information and remains engaging.

For a 5-minute presentation, it is advisable to limit your slides to no more than 10. In fact, you could effectively present with just one well-designed slide.

Here are five tips to enhance your short presentation:

1. Filter

Focus on including only essential information. Leave out any superfluous details and ensure your slides are concise and to the point.

2. Context

While brevity is key, maintaining context is equally important. Ensure that your audience understands the message you are conveying.

3. Series of Three

Organizing your content into three main ideas can help your audience remember your key points better.

4. Use Stories

Engaging your audience through storytelling can make your presentation more relatable and memorable than relying solely on facts.

5. Bare Minimum

Keep your slides minimalistic. Aim for a clean design with limited information to ensure clarity and focus.

To summarize, for a 5-minute presentation, utilizing around five slides is ideal, adhering to a general guideline of 1-2 minutes per slide.

How Many Slides for a 10-Minute Presentation?

If a 5-minute presentation is brief, then how many slides should you aim for with a 10-minute presentation? You have a couple of options.

One approach is to keep the slide count similar to the 5-minute format, ideally 10 slides, allowing you to elaborate more on each point. Alternatively, you can increase the number of slides to around 20, ensuring that each slide remains focused on one key topic.

For more guidance, refer to our article on How to Use PowerPoint .

How Many Slides for a 15-Minute Presentation?

As presentations increase in length, the number of slides becomes less critical. For a 15-minute presentation, you can comfortably use around 30 slides if you prefer. However, you can also choose to stick with fewer slides and spend more time discussing each key point in depth.

If you opt for more slides, consider including additional slides for supporting information to enhance your audience’s understanding.

How Many Slides for a 20-Minute Presentation?


When it comes to a 20-minute presentation, the question of slide count becomes more nuanced. Guy Kawasaki suggests the 10/20/30 rule, advocating for 10 slides, 20 minutes of speaking time, and a minimum font size of 30 points.

Tips for a 20-Minute Presentation:

  1. Go Longer: Allocate around 20 slides, spending approximately one minute on each.

  2. Spend Time on Slides: Your speaking time per slide can vary. Focus longer on slides where you have more information to share, and include a brief introduction and conclusion for a polished delivery.

  3. Use Charts and Graphs: Enhance engagement with visuals, as graphics, photos, and charts can help hold your audience’s attention.

How Many Slides for a 30-Minute Presentation?

The same principles apply to a 30-minute presentation. If you utilized around 30 slides for a 15-minute presentation, you may find it comfortable to use even more slides here.

However, if you prefer a minimalist approach, focusing on a few main points and discussing them in greater detail is equally effective. For more presentation tips, check out our public speaking guide .

How Many Slides for a 45-Minute Presentation?


For a 45-minute presentation, you will likely want to increase the number of slides significantly. Keeping slide numbers low can work if you are a confident speaker who can elaborate on each point effectively. Otherwise, having more slides can provide your audience with visual cues to maintain engagement.

How Many Slides for a 1-Hour Presentation?

In a 1-hour presentation, there are several strategies you might employ regarding slide count:

1. Make a Choice

For longer presentations, consider using additional slides for supplementary points or delve deeper into fewer key concepts.

2. Make it Interactive

Encourage audience involvement throughout the session, and allow ample time for a Q&A segment at the end to enhance engagement.

3. Plan a Break

For lengthy presentations, consider scheduling a break. This allows your audience to refresh and reengage when they return.

How Many PowerPoint Slides Per Minute?


A common question is how many PowerPoint slides you should have per minute. This answer varies based on the complexity of your topic and your speaking pace. On average, people speak at about 150 words per minute. A faster speaker will naturally cover more slides than a slower one.

Remember, your slides are meant to support your message, not dictate it. Focus on the content that best represents your topic.

Mary Meeker’s Internet Trends presentation, for instance, excels with over 100 slides that effectively utilize graphs and charts. Check out our infographics creation guide to learn how to incorporate similar techniques.

How to Make Your Presentations Better


Instead of fixating solely on slide count, consider other ways to improve your presentations. Focus on your audience’s needs and choose an appropriate presentation length for your topic.

For instance, executive presentations tend to be concise, while keynote speeches can be more expansive and story-driven.

Utilizing templates can also greatly enhance the visual appeal of your slides, making them more engaging without the burden of extensive design work.


Keep your slides uncluttered to avoid overwhelming your audience with text. Practice your presentation to ensure your timing aligns well with your materials, enabling you to deliver an effective presentation regardless of its length.

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