Word Art in Google Slides

5 minutes read

@ tutsplus.com

If you want fancy-looking text on your slide, then learn how to use Word Art in Google Slides.

Word Art is a feature that allows you to format visually appealing text, making it useful for creating eye-catching titles, headings, captions, and other text types you want to highlight. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to create and format Word Art in Google Slides.

How to Use Word Art in Google Slides

Google Slides is generally user-friendly, and the same goes for Word Art. To create Word Art in Google Slides, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Insert > Word Art.


  2. A text box will appear. Type the text you want to format through Word Art.


  3. Press Enter to save. Alternatively, use Shift+Enter to add multiple lines.


Congratulations! You have just created a basic Word Art with default formatting.

  1. To edit the text, double-click on the Word Art. The text box will open again, allowing you to revise the copy.

Although the default formatting of Word Art might not be very impressive, you can use the formatting options to customize it to your liking.

Basic Formatting With Word Art

With Word Art, you can modify the font style, size, color, and other aspects of the text to unleash your creativity.

Font Style and Emphasis

To change the font style:

  1. Click on the Font selection dropdown menu while ensuring the Word Art is selected.


  2. Scroll down the list of fonts and select your desired font.


You can also add emphasis by applying Bold or Italics to your Word Art. Go to Format > Text > Bold or Italic.


For quick access, you can use the buttons on the Shortcut Toolbar.


Text Color

To change the text color:

  1. Click on Fill Color.


  2. From the menu that opens, select the color you want to use. You can choose a solid color or a gradient (more on that below).

To modify the color of the text outline, go to Border Color and select your preferred outline color.


Use the Border Weight and Border Dash buttons on the Shortcut Menu to change the thickness and style of the border.

If you prefer no outline or border, set the Border Color to transparent or the same color as the Fill Color.

Text Size and Rotation

To change the text size:

  1. Select the Word Art and click and drag any of the corners or squares along its border. Hold the SHIFT key while dragging to maintain aspect ratio.


  2. For precise measurements, select the Word Art and go to Format Options > Size & Rotation.


In the menu that opens, you can enter the desired width and height. You can also adjust the Word Art size using the Width Scale or Height Scale, and modify the text rotation to any angle, including flipping it vertically or horizontally.

Text Alignment

Text in Word Art is always center-aligned. However, if you want two lines of text to appear left-aligned, create separate Word Art for each line and arrange them to achieve the desired alignment.


Advanced Formatting Techniques for Google Slides Word Art

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore more advanced formatting techniques to make your text stand out.

Adding Shading or Drop Shadows to Word Art

To add a drop shadow:

  1. Go to Format Options > Drop Shadow. Check the box next to Drop Shadow and click the arrow to open the menu.


  2. Adjust the shadow Color, Transparency, Angle, Distance, and Blur Radius as desired.

I used the Drop Shadow feature to give this Word Art a subtle “glow.”


Creating 3D Word Art

Although Google Slides lacks an automatic 3D feature, you can simulate a 3D appearance using the Drop Shadow feature.


Adjusting Transparency Option

When setting the color of the font, you’ll find an option for transparency. This feature is useful for allowing the slide background to show through the Word Art, creating dramatic effects when combined with borders and shadows.


Using the Reflection Feature

To add a reflection effect:

  1. Go to Format Options > Reflection.
  2. Adjust the Transparency, Distance, and Size of the reflection in the menu that opens.


Blending Colors in Google Slides Word Art

You can achieve cool effects by blending colors using the Gradient option. Select the Word Art, then go to Fill Color > Gradient.


Experiment with Custom Gradient options for unique effects.


For example, you can blend two or more colors by adding Gradient Stops, creating effects like this rainbow:


Layering Word Art in Google Slides

Combining different Word Arts in layers can create three-dimensional and other special effects. For instance, I created layered text by making a copy of the rainbow text, adjusting its transparency, and adding a black border.


Different Uses of Word Art in Google Slides

Word Art is a fantastic tool for enhancing your presentations and can be utilized in various ways, such as:

  • Creating titles and headers
  • Adding labels, titles, and annotations to charts and graphs
  • Enhancing images with specially formatted text

You can also use Word Art in other types of content beyond slide decks, including:

  • Posters
  • Fliers
  • Social media tiles
  • YouTube video cover images
  • Memes
  • Special text overlays on images or videos

Tips for Using Word Art in Google Slides

To ensure your presentation remains cohesive and professional, consider the following tips when using Word Art:

Use Word Art Selectively

Word Art is most effective when used to highlight key information. Decide which text is essential to emphasize, and use Word Art judiciously.

Go Easy on the Special Effects

Avoid overwhelming your audience with excessive effects. Professional designers know when and how to use design features effectively.

Match the Word Art to the Tone of Your Presentation

Select formatting options that align with your presentation’s tone and style. Use appropriate fonts, colors, and effects to maintain professionalism.

Legibility Is Key

Regardless of the effects you choose, ensure your text remains readable. Use clear fonts, appropriate sizes, and high contrast.

Experiment Away!

Finally, don’t hesitate to explore all the features Google Slides has to offer. Familiarize yourself with the effects to enhance your design skills effectively.


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