Best TED Talks for Business Leaders in 2024

6 minutes read


If you’re in business management or just want to learn more about business, there are many helpful business presentations online that you can learn from. One of the best sources of educational, motivational, and informational presentations for business professionals is TED Talks.

What Are TED Talks?

TED Talks are a series of short talks on a variety of topics that are free to listeners. They are known for attracting excellent speakers with innovative ideas. Actual TED Talks differ from regular business presentations because each speaker must give their presentation from memory and are limited to 18 minutes. TED Talks are also a good resource to study if you’re trying to improve your speaking skills.

These short, online presentations cover business-relevant topics such as leadership, management, business strategy, and more. There are talks that aim to inform, inspire, and entertain.

In this article, I’m sharing a collection of 12 of what I believe to be the best TED Talks for business leaders and other business professionals.

12 Best Business TED Talks

Here’s a carefully curated collection of what are, in my opinion, some of the best TED Talks of all time for you to learn from. For your convenience, I’ve separated the TED Talks into four main areas:

  1. Business Leadership
  2. Informative
  3. Inspiring
  4. Business Strategy

1. Business TED Talks on Leadership

Leadership is an important part of doing business. Here are some of the best TED Talks on leadership. Use these talks to improve your own leadership skills.

Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action

Simon Sinek started out in advertising but has since written several best-selling books on leadership. In this TED talk, Sinek explores why some companies and individuals are successful and others are not.

In the talk, Sinek explains how successful people and organizations differ based on how they focus on the questions: what, how, and why. Hint: most people have the wrong focus when they try to promote products or ideas. Learn about that difference in this eye-opening talk.

Roselinde Torres: What It Takes to Be a Great Leader

In this business TED Talk, Roselinde Torres explains why companies are failing to produce leaders. With over 25 years of experience as a management consultant, Torres has observed leaders in hundreds of corporate settings.

In her TED Talk, Torres discusses how the world has become more global, digital, and connected than ever, rendering traditional leadership development ineffective. This talk identifies the essential questions that business leaders need to be asking in the 21st century.

David Logan: Tribal Leadership

David Logan is an author and educator who has spent over a decade studying tribes—groups that naturally form whenever humans come together.

In this TED Talk, Logan discusses the concept of tribes and their significance in business and society. He identifies five types of tribes and explains how each type interacts with the workplace. This talk is essential for leaders looking to understand and enhance their workplace culture.

2. Business TED Talks That Inform

Knowledge is power, and as a business professional, staying informed is crucial for success. Here are some TED Talks that provide valuable insights.

Susan Cain: The Power Of Introverts

As a leader, are you overlooking introverts? According to Susan Cain, you probably are. Cain, a speaker and author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, explains the unique contributions that introverts make, including those of many famous introverts. If you’re overlooking introverts, you’re missing out. Learn why in this informative talk.

Angela Lee Duckworth: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

Angela Duckworth teaches psychology at the University of Pennsylvania and is the Founder and CEO of Character Lab, a non-profit dedicated to character development.

In this insightful talk, Duckworth reveals that talent and IQ are not the primary predictors of success. Instead, she emphasizes the importance of a trait she calls “grit.” Discover the impact of grit and how it can influence success in this compelling presentation.

Kelly McGonigal: How to Make Stress Your Friend

If you’re a business person, you’ve likely experienced stress. However, Kelly McGonigal, a psychologist and lecturer at Stanford University, shows that stress can have benefits.

In this talk, McGonigal discusses how changing your perception of stress can improve your health and well-being. This TED Talk is beneficial for anyone who deals with stress regularly.

3. Business TED Talks That Inspire

Inspiration plays a vital role in business. A good professional needs to find their own inspiration to inspire others. Here are some Business TED Talks to ignite your passion.

Shawn Achor: The Happy Secret to Better Work

Shawn Achor is a speaker and author who studies happiness. In this engaging TED Talk, Achor uses humor to illustrate the significant role happiness plays in the workplace. He explores how happiness affects achievement and presents a compelling case for cultivating positivity.

Bel Pesce: 5 Ways to Kill Your Dreams

Bel Pesce is an entrepreneur and MIT graduate who tackles five common success myths in her TED Talk. This presentation helps listeners identify the faulty thinking that may hold them back from pursuing their passions or starting a business.

Matt Cutts: Try Something New for 30 Days

Matt Cutts, known for his role at Google, encourages listeners to conduct a 30-day experiment to try something new. He shares personal experiences that illustrate how such challenges can boost confidence and energy. This talk might inspire you to embark on your own 30-day journey.

4. Business TED Talks on Strategy

Business strategy is crucial for achieving your goals. These talks offer new techniques to enhance your strategic approach.

Linda Hill: How to Manage for Collective Creativity

Linda Hill, a Harvard Business professor, discusses the importance of creativity and innovation in business. In her TED Talk, she explains that traditional management styles often hinder creativity and emphasizes the importance of teamwork in fostering innovation.

Seth Godin: How to Get Your Ideas Spread

Seth Godin is an acclaimed blogger and entrepreneur known for his insights on idea dissemination. In this TED Talk, he discusses why spreading ideas is essential for business strategy and how to effectively implement change.

Susan Colantuono: The Career Advice You Probably Didn’t Get

Susan Colantuono, founder of Leading Women, addresses the lack of women in upper management roles. In her talk, she identifies three key elements companies seek in leaders and discusses why women may struggle to demonstrate one of those competencies. This talk is vital for women aspiring to advance in business.

Create Your Own Professional Business Talk

Even if you don’t speak for TED Talks, chances are good that, as a business professional, you’ll need to give professional presentations. If you do need to give a presentation, consider using a professional presentation template to elevate your delivery.

You can find presentation templates on Envato Elements or GraphicRiver. Explore these presentation roundups to find a template that suits your style:

  • {.roundup-block__content-link}

    35 Best Keynote Presentation Templates (Designs For Mac Users 2024)

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    The Best New Presentation Template Designs for 2024 (Top PowerPoint PPTs & More)


There are plenty of online resources for business leaders, including many from TED Talks. I’ve just shared some of the best TED Talks for your business journey. Now it’s time for you to apply what you’ve learned and perhaps create your own professional presentation. Start today!

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