Perfect Pitch Deck Presentation Design

6 minutes read


Do you have a million dollar idea? Looking to get some funding for it but haven’t got a pitch deck yet?

Learn all about pitch deck design and creating a pitch deck that sells in this tutorial.

This post is part of a series called How to Make Great Pitch Decks (Startup Presentation Guide).

The Importance of a Pitch Deck Presentation

Money isn’t everything, but for startups, cash could make or break their business. In research conducted by Fractl, 24% of failed startups cited that running out of money contributed to their flop. Another 13% cited that they lacked financing to continue their operations.

You need interested investors to successfully launch and grow your business. However, you can’t just talk to them without a visual guide. How can they even follow what you’re saying? A pitch deck presentation will help visualize your thoughts and convey them more effectively.

Even Facebook started with a presentation deck. Look at 20 Best Startup Pitch Deck Examples: Famous in Tech (For 2019) for a glimpse at the pitch deck that won over and continues to attract many investors. You too can create a perfectly designed pitch deck to make your message more impactful.

If you’re not a designer, it can be tricky to start designing from scratch. You’ll spend hours, if not days, perfecting a presentation deck design. So, why not save time and use a professional pitch deck template that you can tweak to align with your brand?

Your pitch deck is your investment.

But what exactly makes a winning pitch deck design anyway? Are there design elements you need to follow to make your pitch deck more attractive and powerful? Here’s our guide of design best practices to nail your next pitch deck presentation:

11 Best Practices to Design a Pitch Deck Presentation

Let’s take a look at some of the best practices for creating a pitch deck. We’ll be looking at some of the best pitch deck template examples from Envato Elements and GraphicRiver.

Now, let’s dive into the best practices for creating a pitch deck:

1. Make an Impression With Your Cover Slide

We all had our first dates, first job interviews, and first meetings—right or not, we all made instant judgments. We all know that a first introduction is a crucial step to get the attention of the people you’re talking to. This is also true with your pitch presentation.

Your PowerPoint deck cover slide is your all-crucial first introduction. It immediately establishes the ’look and feel’ of the entire presentation. You should use this part to catch the attention of your audience early with a hook.

A good pitch design cover is an early sign of good quality. It gives your audience something to look forward to. In contrast, a poorly crafted pitch deck cover relays a lack of preparation and attention to detail.

Ideally, you want your investors’ full and undivided attention. Do this by piquing their imagination about how your business idea can give them more money. A compelling first slide will immediately hook them and drive them to explore your business more.

2. Tell Your Audience What They’re in For

Have you ever been invited to a meeting without knowing the agenda? It’s unsettling without having any idea why you’re there and how the rest of the meeting will go. This is what your potential investors will also feel.

Your audience knows you have something to tell, but they’re still clueless. Tell them right away what they should expect from your pitch presentation. What will they gain after this? People have a short attention span and can be easily distracted. The first few minutes should already summarize your vision and mission, so your audience won’t get lost as you transition to the next slide.

Start by describing the current problem. Make your potential investors aware of what existing issue affects your target market. When you state a problem, construct it as an opportunity. Investors love to see opportunities because they create new businesses. This is when you need to offer up your business idea as a solution to the current problem.





3. Plan a Presentation Deck Structure

A pitch deck structure is an outline of how your presentation will flow. Without a solid structure, you can easily become confused. Confusion will prevent you from delivering your message effectively.

When thinking of your framework, pattern it on how you plot a story:

  • narrative
  • climax
  • resolution

The narrative helps you explain your purposes. The climax attracts your investors to buy into your idea. The resolution helps you close the deal.

4. Give a Visual Journey, Not Write a Book

We all know that words, both written and spoken, can be difficult to deliver. Imagine your investors trying to read a lengthy paragraph on your pitch deck while you present. Their attention will be divided, causing them to miss what you’re trying to relay.

Visuals help combat information overload from text-loaded slides. Plus, visuals can make your messages more memorable than text. In fact, 65% of the general population is a visual learner. This means that showing photos or images will convey your ideas better than writing.

5. Reduce & Simplify Text With Icons

The use of icons in presentation deck design serves as a faster way to convey information without using text. Icons allow people to skim content for key points, enabling you to reduce text and simplify your pitch deck design.

When deciding which icons to use, keep a consistent and uniform style throughout your presentation deck. Align them with your brand identity colors.

6. Use Typography Properly

Typography plays an important role in communicating your thoughts better. Appropriate typography can speak for itself and set the right mood in your pitch deck presentation.

To create a pleasing typographic design, assign a typographic hierarchy to organize your content and make it easy to navigate.

7. Create a Consistent Color Palette Aligned With Your Brand

Color is crucial when creating a pitch deck. It’s a big part of immersing your audience into a visual journey. While consistency with your brand identity is essential, you can create a color palette based on your main brand color.

8. Keep Things Simple & Focused

Keep it simple. Your potential investors are busy, and everyone wants to end a meeting as soon as possible. You’re not defending a thesis; you’re selling an idea, so it should be direct and succinct.

9. Diversify Your Slide Layouts

Using different slide layouts will enhance your presentation deck design. It helps you transition between different sections and contrast different ideas, making your presentation more engaging.

10. Jazz up Data With Infographics

Are you showing revenue projections or historical data? Infographics can showcase them effectively without resorting to traditional graphs or charts.

11. End With a Direct & Compelling CTA

Don’t end a presentation without asking your audience for action. The last part of your pitch presentation should include a call to action (CTA) that seals the deal with your potential investors and guides them to the next steps.

Your CTA must be direct and memorable. Use action words or persuasive language that ignites your audience to act or follow up as soon as possible.

Use Pitch Deck Best Practices Now: Start Creating a Pitch Deck Today

Creating a pitch deck not only acts as your visual aid for a seamless presentation but also helps your viewers follow and understand what you’re discussing.

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