Freelance Presentation Designer Career Guide

5 minutes read


Got a knack for PowerPoint design services? Love working with clients to make their presentation dreams come true? It’s only natural that you might be thinking of a career as a freelance PowerPoint designer.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn valuable tips to become a successful PowerPoint designer. PPT designers offer their services to clients, helping them deliver impactful, confident presentations.

I’ve also interviewed leading experts from presentation design agencies who have shared their insights and advice. These seasoned professionals offer PowerPoint presentation services and have great tips for aspiring PPT designers.

What Is a Freelance Presentation Designer?

A freelance presentation designer is a professional who provides PowerPoint design services to clients, either on a project basis or by creating products for sale.

Many freelance PPT designers transition from full-time positions, choosing to “hang up their own shingle” and operate independently.


Here are some career paths for PowerPoint designers to consider:

  • Offer freelance presentation design services. Freelance presentation designers typically charge per project, with defined deliverables and payments tied to project milestones.
  • Build products for sale. You can create a portfolio of customizable pitch deck templates for sale at fixed prices, allowing clients to personalize them.
  • Start a presentation design agency. This approach involves partnering with other creatives to form an agency, catering to diverse client needs that require multiple skill sets.

Before launching your freelance PPT designer career, be aware of the challenges you might face. You’ll need to handle marketing, sales, and bookkeeping along with your design work. If your passion lies solely in design, sticking to a full-time role may be a better fit.

If you’re determined to offer your PowerPoint design services, you’re in the right place. We’ll share actionable tips to help you become a successful freelance PowerPoint designer.

How to Become a Professional Presentation Designer (with Pro Advice)

Let’s explore the steps you need to take to become a freelance PowerPoint designer, complete with expert tips from those who have successfully made the transition from employment to freelancing.

1. Start With Your Why

Establishing a clear reason for starting your freelance business is crucial. This concept was popularized by Simon Sinek’s famous TED Talk, which emphasizes the importance of a compelling why.

Understanding your why will help you remain motivated as you navigate the challenges of finding clients. Here are some examples of why statements for aspiring presentation designers:

  • I want to create a business that balances work with my life.
  • I want to save others time, allowing them to focus on their strengths.
  • I want to earn more income than I currently do in my job.
  • I want to create presentation designs that inspire confidence.

Your why should be unique to you, and it serves as a guiding principle for your decisions.

2. Build Up Your Portfolio

Many new PPT designers face the “chicken and egg” dilemma: they need clients to showcase their work, but they need a portfolio to attract clients.

To overcome this, focus on creating a strong portfolio. A professional presentation portfolio is essential, and how you present it matters too.


Consider setting up a simple website to showcase your work. As professional presentation designer Adrienne Johnston advises:

I built a portfolio website to establish an online presence, featuring anonymized past client work and practice projects that felt more authentic through branding.

Having a dedicated space to showcase your best work is key to winning clients.

3. Define Your Offering

Clients will inevitably ask: “What types of PowerPoint presentation services do you offer?” Therefore, it’s vital to have a clear answer.

Refining your service offerings takes time. Initially, let client needs guide your offerings, and adapt your services as you gain experience.

It’s also important to determine what services you won’t provide. While flexibility is important, be cautious not to take on projects that exceed your expertise or capacity.

4. Find Your First Client

Finding your first client can be one of the toughest challenges. Here are some strategies to help you land your initial freelance jobs:

  • Take on pro bono projects. Volunteering for a good cause can help you build your portfolio and expand your network.
  • Create fictitious portfolio pieces. Select a favorite brand and design a mock presentation for them to showcase your skills.
  • Leverage your existing network. Reach out to former colleagues or clients who might need design work.

When you face rejection, remember your why to stay motivated. As design expert Tom Caklos puts it:

Don’t be discouraged by “NO.” Each rejection brings you closer to a “YES!”

5. Retain and Grow With Clients

It’s often said that it’s easier to keep a client than to find a new one. To maintain and expand your client relationships, regular communication is key.

Set reminders for periodic check-ins with your clients. This proactive approach keeps you top-of-mind when they need design services.

6. Define a Growth Plan

As you start your business, it’s important to envision your long-term growth. Developing a growth plan will help you navigate future opportunities.

Your growth plan should align with your why. For instance, if your goal is work-life balance, your plan should support that vision.

Taking time for regular business planning sessions ensures you stay aligned with your goals, even as you become busy with client work.


As you grow, you may encounter the challenge of having more work than time. In such cases, consider raising your rates to manage your workload effectively.

7. Keep Your Skills Up-To-Date

As your business expands, it’s essential to stay current with your skills. Many freelancers become so absorbed in their projects that they neglect to learn new techniques and tools.

Consider branching out beyond PowerPoint to include other applications like Apple Keynote and Google Slides. Keeping your skills diverse ensures you remain relevant to your clients’ needs.


Make it a priority to set aside time for professional development, whether it’s exploring design trends or learning new software. Regularly updating your skills can significantly improve the quality of your work.

Stay informed about the latest presentation design trends to enhance your offerings:

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