Insert PDF in PowerPoint

3 minutes read


Portable document formats, more known as PDFs, were a revolution in the way we share information. They are an easy and universal way to keep everyone informed and a great tool for your presentations. Are you in a meeting with investors speaking about your company’s achievements? Add a PDF with your last year’s performance! Maybe you are speaking about your school center and the different studies it offers? Add a PDF with a schedule so that everyone knows when your classes are happening!

Giving a bit more information to your listeners is always appreciated, so in this tutorial you are going to learn the different ways to insert a PDF in PowerPoint.

Insert a PDF as an Object

If you insert a PDF file as an object, it will appear as a small icon. This feature is particularly useful if you want to keep your documents easily accessible for your audience within a single presentation. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Ensure that your PDF file is not open in any other application. Select the slide where you want the PDF to appear. For this example, we are using the Retro Mollinetti Meeting presentation.
  2. Go to the Insert tab and click on Object → Create from file. If you check the Display as an icon option, your document will be represented as a small PDF icon.
  3. Browse to find the document you want to insert and click OK.


Pro Tip: After inserting the icon, select it, then navigate to Insert → Action in the top menu. Choose Open so that the PDF will open when someone clicks on it.


Insert a PDF as a Picture

For a more visual representation of your PDF, consider adding it as a picture. This method is straightforward and allows you to display a specific page of your document in your presentation. Follow these steps:

  1. Open your PDF and make sure the section you want to include is visible.
  2. Take a screenshot of the desired part. For Windows, press Windows + Shift + S; for Mac, press Command + Shift + 4. This will enable you to select the area you want to capture, and the selection will be copied to your clipboard.


  1. Open your PowerPoint presentation. For this example, we’re using the Professional Business Meeting template.
  2. Select the slide where you want the image to be placed and paste it. You can now resize or move the image as needed!


Now you are ready to put your knowledge into practice. Use these methods to enhance your presentations and effectively share PDF content with your audience!

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