Setting Standards in PowerPoint

3 minutes read


You probably know the following scenario: You had to put a lot of effort into creating a presentation and had to edit every text box and form to create an integrated design.

And then you realize that the fonts look different on every single slide. To edit every slide one by one would take up too much time. In this article, we will show you how to set standards for your presentations so that the above scenario doesn’t happen again.

Forms and Text Boxes: How to Set Standards

When adding new text boxes or forms to your slides, they always look the same. This is because PowerPoint sets certain standards. If you don’t change these manually, all inserted forms will adhere to the standards set by PowerPoint.

Once you edit a form to meet your requirements, you can save these changes and set them as your standard. Here’s how:

  • Insert a new form or text box on your slide.
  • Edit the text box or form so that color, font size, and contour strength look how you want them to.
  • Now select the form with your right mouse button.
  • In the drop-down menu, select “Select as Default.” Depending on which element you are editing, the option will adjust (for example, “Set as Default Text Field” for text fields or “Set as Default Shape” for shapes).


From that point on, every form or text box inserted on your slide will look consistent and adhere to your default settings.

You can also apply this tutorial to tables to ensure that all your future tables look uniform. Just follow the same steps as described above.

Setting Fonts in Presentations: Create Integrated Slides

If you copy elements from different documents when creating your presentation, you might end up with different fonts on your slides.

If this issue occurs on just one slide, it’s simple to fix by selecting the entire slide and setting a single font and size. However, if you have different fonts across multiple slides, you can standardize them using the following steps:

  • Open your presentation on your PC or laptop and select “Replace Font” under “Start.”
  • A drop-down menu will display the various fonts included in your presentation.
  • Select the fonts you want to replace and choose a new font that you wish to use consistently.
  • Confirm your selection by clicking “Replace,” and repeat this process until all fonts are uniform across your slides.


Simplified Work Thanks to Standards

While setting all these standards may take some time, you will save valuable time when creating presentations in the future. Our advice is to set these standards when you have the opportunity, so you won’t have to rush to edit your presentations later.

Extra Tip: The PowerPoint Slide Master

To establish additional elements on your slides, consider using the PowerPoint Slide Master. This tool ensures that all slides in your presentation maintain a consistent look and feel.

For more information and tips, check out our blog article on the “PowerPoint Slide Master.”

Conclusion: Set Standards and Embed Fonts to Save Time!

By implementing our tips on PowerPoint standards and fonts, you can save significant time when preparing your presentations in the future!

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