Using Pie Charts Effectively

2 minutes read


Pie charts are a popular tool to present parts of a whole. They help visualize data in a clear and easy-to-understand way. However, like all other diagram types, they need to be used correctly.

Pie charts are often used for the wrong data sets. When used in the right context, pie charts are effective and impactful.

Three Questions Before Using Pie Charts

Before creating a pie chart, consider asking yourself the following three questions:

  • Is this the right type of chart to use here?
  • How can I best design the chart?
  • Are there better alternatives?


There are several reasons why pie charts are commonly used: out of habit, for representing parts of a whole, due to their aesthetic appeal, or simply because there is a lack of awareness about better alternatives.

Pie charts are most effective when they show parts of a whole that total 100%. The individual values should be distinctly different from one another, and it is advisable to limit the number of categories to no more than five in one chart.

Drawbacks of Pie Charts

While pie charts have their advantages, there are notable drawbacks to consider:

  • Small values can be hard to distinguish, especially when paired with large labels, making the chart less effective.
  • If there are several similar or equally large values, the differences become negligible, rendering pie charts an unsuitable choice in such cases.


Alternatives: Bar Charts & Column Charts

Two effective alternatives to pie charts are bar charts and column charts. Bar charts excel at visualizing rankings and organizing categories by size, while column charts are ideal for representing distributions, such as election results. For these types of data sets, bar and column charts often provide clearer insights.


In conclusion, while pie charts can be useful, it is essential to evaluate your data set and determine the best type of chart for your needs. Don’t hesitate to explore new types of charts and diagrams; inspiration can always be found in the PowerPoint Diagrams category in our shop.

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