Changing Languages in PowerPoint

5 minutes read


Changing languages in PowerPoint is a straightforward process that can enhance your presentation experience.

If you are looking to impress your colleagues, boss, or fellow students with your presentations, Microsoft PowerPoint is a fantastic choice. This powerful tool can transform even the most mundane topics into engaging content for your audience.

PowerPoint Language Settings Overview

One of the standout features of PowerPoint is its language settings, along with a built-in spell checker that acts like your personal, real-time proofreader. But what if you need to present in a different language? No worries! Changing the language settings in PowerPoint is simple, and in this guide, we will walk you through the steps to change a slide to English and beyond. Additionally, we will discuss the limitations of PowerPoint’s language capabilities and how the Spell Check Language Switcher add-in can be a game-changer for your presentations.

Changing Languages in PowerPoint

While PowerPoint is a versatile tool, some users may find it complicated. Fortunately, changing languages is a quick process that even beginners can handle. Follow this step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Access the File Tab

Open Microsoft PowerPoint and click on the File tab located at the top left corner of your document.

Step 2: Open Options

A panel will appear with various action items. Scroll down to the bottom left and click on Options to open the Options window.

Step 3: Select Language

Click on Language to view a list of different language options. Here’s a brief explanation of the different settings available:

Editing Language

The editing language determines the language used in the document. The selected authoring language will be recognized by the spelling and grammar checker. After making your choice, click Set as Default to apply the changes.

Display and Help Language

These settings control the language used for the entire PowerPoint interface. It’s advisable to keep both the display and help languages the same. Select your preferred language from the list and click Set as Default.

Your language preferences are now saved and will remain active until you decide to change them again. Note that since PowerPoint is part of the MS Office suite, these changes will also affect other programs like Word.


Changing Language for All Slides

If you have an existing presentation and wish to change the language, you don’t need to rewrite everything or manually check each line. You can apply the desired language settings to your entire document. Here’s how:

Step 1: Open Your Presentation

Launch your PowerPoint presentation and click on the View tab at the top, next to File and Start.

Step 2: Select Outline View

Choose Outline View to open a pane on the left displaying the text for all slides in your presentation.

Step 3: Change Language

Press Ctrl + A to select all text, click the Review tab, and select your desired language under the Language options.

Changing Language for Specific Text Passages

If you have quotes or specific sections in a different language, PowerPoint allows you to change the language only for those text passages:

Step 1: Highlight the Text

Use your mouse to highlight the text you wish to change.

Step 2: Access the Review Tab

Click on the Review tab at the top of the screen.

Step 3: Change Language Settings

You can now change the language settings for the highlighted text with ease.

Change Language Settings in PowerPoint for Mac

If you’re using PowerPoint for Mac, follow these steps to adjust language settings:

Step 1: Access Language Tools

Open PowerPoint, go to Tools, and select Language.

Step 2: Select Your Language

Choose your preferred language and click OK.

Step 3: Set Default Language

To set this language as the default for all new documents, click Default.

Change Language for Individual Text Passages in PowerPoint for Mac

To change the language for specific text passages on Mac:

Step 1: Open Language Settings

Navigate to Tools and choose Language….

Step 2: Mark Selected Text

In the Mark selected text as box, choose the desired language.

Step 3: Confirm Changes

Click OK to apply your selection.

Language Add-in for PowerPoint

When working with multiple languages, you might find PowerPoint’s built-in tools lacking. The Spell Check Language Switcher add-in addresses this limitation effectively.

This add-in simplifies the process of changing language settings, allowing you to quickly adapt individual text fields, group elements, notes, and tables to your chosen language. You can customize your default languages, including options like German, British English, American English, and French, along with additional languages like Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Greek, and Turkish.


Benefits of the Spell Check Language Switcher Add-in

With the Spell Check Language Switcher add-in, you can:

  • Run a quick spell check in multiple languages.
  • Easily access your four preferred languages.
  • Spell check all slide content, including bullet points and tables.

This add-in is compatible with all PowerPoint versions from 2010 onward and can be installed in just a few seconds. Once you decide to use this program, you’ll receive your license key within 48 hours. Click here to get the Add-In.



Changing languages in PowerPoint is a hassle-free process that anyone can master. By following our step-by-step instructions, you can easily navigate language settings. The process becomes more complex when multiple languages are used in the same document, but with the Spell Check Language Switcher add-in, you can streamline this task and prepare for a successful presentation effortlessly.

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