Change Vertical Diagram Axis in PowerPoint

2 minutes read


You have created a diagram in a PowerPoint document. Now you want to change the vertical axis by allotting new scale values – but don’t know how. With our tutorial we will show you the ropes!

Understanding Diagram Axes

When you create a diagram in PowerPoint, the minimum and maximum values on the axes are usually generated automatically based on the data you provide. However, there may be instances where you want the axes to reflect values significantly higher than your actual data, potentially in the millions or billions. This adjustment is crucial as it can affect the overall interpretation of your diagram.

Step-by-Step Guide to Change the Vertical Axis

In this 5-step tutorial, we will guide you on how to manually adjust the scale values on your vertical axis by setting fixed minimum and maximum values.

Step 1: Create Your Diagram

  1. Creating a New Diagram:

    • Begin by selecting a slide where you want to add your diagram. Navigate to the “Insert” tab in the ribbon.
    • Click on “Illustrations” under the “Diagram” tab. This will open an Excel table where you can input your data. Once you’ve entered your data, close the table. Your diagram will now appear on the selected slide.
  2. Inserting a Prefabricated Diagram:

    • If you prefer to use a prefabricated diagram from our PresentationLoad online shop, simply open it and insert it into your selected slide.

Step 2: Select Your Diagram

  • Click on the diagram with your left mouse button to select it.

Step 3: Access Diagram Layout

  • In the ribbon, under the “Layout” tab, click on “Diagram Layout”.


Step 4: Modify the Vertical Axis

  • Click on “Axes” and select “Vertical Primary Axis”. Here, you will find an option labeled “More Options for the Vertical Primary Axis”.

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Step 5: Set Fixed Scale Values

  • A window will open with axis options. In this window, you can manually enter your desired minimum and maximum values for the vertical axis. Be sure to click on the “Fixed” option next to both the “Minimum” and “Maximum” fields. Once you’ve entered your values, close the window.


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