Combining Shapes in PowerPoint

2 minutes read


Shapes in PowerPoint can be used to create infographics with relatively little effort or know-how. By combining shapes, you can also create pictograms and icons. Here are a couple of examples.

Rectangular Speech Bubble

Creating a rectangular speech bubble is a straightforward process. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Insert > Shapes and insert a rectangle and a triangle.
  2. Click and drag the rotation handle at the top of the triangle to invert it.
  3. Drag the triangle under the rectangle so that the shapes fit together.
  4. Select the two shapes with Ctrl + left-click. Under the Format tab, click Merge Shapes and select Combine.

Create a Cloud

To create a cloud shape, you will need a rectangle along with several circles and ellipses:

  1. Insert a rectangle as well as several circles and ellipses. Arrange the shapes to create the outline of a cloud.
  2. Hold down Ctrl and left-click each shape. Under the Format tab, click Merge Shapes and select Union.
  3. The shapes are now merged to create a cloud shape.

Create a Crescent Moon

Creating a crescent moon shape is also quite simple:

  1. Insert two circles.
  2. Arrange the circles so that they overlap, forming a shape similar to a sideways eight.
  3. Select the two shapes with Ctrl + left-click. Under the Format tab, click Merge Shapes and select Subtract.
  4. The top circle will be “cut out,” leaving a crescent shape, which can be used as an icon or graphic to represent a moon.

These functions have been available since PowerPoint 2013, so have fun combining shapes!

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