PowerPoint Zoom Makes Presentations Dynamic

4 minutes read

@ presentationload.com

If you use Prezi, you’re likely accustomed to its spectacular zoom effects in presentations. With just a few clicks, you can also create a PowerPoint zoom to navigate impressively through your presentation and open and close selected chapter slides.

Zooming in PowerPoint is not merely about zooming in or out on a slide. This feature allows for the creation of small thumbnails of the desired slides, which can be enlarged or opened in presentation mode with a click. With another click, you can reduce their size or close them to return to your overview.

Keep reading to learn how to add this dynamic effect to your presentation.

Understanding PowerPoint Zoom

A PowerPoint zoom enables you to jump to specific sections and slides in your presentation without having to follow a predetermined order. This flexibility allows you to engage your audience without the distraction of searching for slides during your presentation. This feature helps maintain the flow of your presentation, keeping your audience engaged.

PowerPoint zoom is available in Microsoft 365 and PowerPoint 2019 and for Mac users starting from version 6.19.18110915.

Supported PowerPoint Versions


How to Set PowerPoint Zoom Effects

To set a PowerPoint zoom, navigate to the Insert tab and select Zoom.


You will see several different zoom types under this option. In the following sections, we will explain what Summary Zoom, Slide Zoom, and Section Zoom are and how you can effectively apply them to enhance your presentation.


Summary Zoom

Summary Zoom provides an overview of your entire presentation on one slide. This feature allows you to jump from one section of your presentation to another seamlessly. The slides you include will become the first slides of your summary zoom sections.

To create a summary zoom, go to Zoom > Summary Zoom. This will open the Insert Summary Zoom dialog box. Here, you can select the slides you want to feature in your summary zoom. You can also deselect any slides you choose not to display.


Once you have selected your slides, click Insert. Your summary zoom will be created and presented as a new slide in front of the first slide of your presentation. You can edit your summary zoom even after creation. To do this, go to the Format tab and select Edit Summary.

Slide Zoom

Slide Zoom is an excellent way to enhance the dynamism of your presentation and to navigate with ease. It creates links to specific slides within your presentation, allowing you to present in a non-linear fashion.

To create a slide zoom, go to Insert > Zoom > Slide Zoom to open the Slide Zoom dialog box. Select the slides you wish to use and click Insert.


PowerPoint will automatically set your slide zoom as the preview thumbnail of the slide. If you wish to use a different image, go to the Format tab and click Change Image to insert an image from your computer or the Internet.

Section Zoom

A Section Zoom serves as a link to a zoom that is already present in your presentation. This feature is particularly useful for switching between sections.

To create a section zoom, go to Insert > Zoom > Section Zoom. Select the section you want to use and click Insert.


As with the other zoom options, PowerPoint will set a preview thumbnail. You can replace this image by following the same steps outlined for Slide Zoom.

Customizing Zoom Options

To edit your zoom settings, navigate to Format > Zoom Tools. Here are some customization options available:

  1. You can make the background of your zoom transparent by selecting Zoom Background under Zoom Styles.


  1. You also have the option to change the transitions of your zoom. To do this, select Zoom Transition. You can use the arrows next to it to adjust the display duration of your zoom.


  1. To ensure you return to your zoom slide after viewing sections or slides, make sure you’ve selected Return to Zoom. This option can be found in the Format tab.


Discover PowerPoint Zoom!

Incorporating PowerPoint’s zoom features can significantly enhance the quality of your presentations. Your slides will appear more professional, and you’ll be better equipped to maintain your audience’s attention throughout your presentation.

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