Best Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Word

3 minutes read


Mastering keyboard shortcuts is a giant step towards productivity.

This post is designed to help you learn the essential keyboard shortcuts that can significantly enhance your efficiency while using Microsoft Word. By investing time to familiarize yourself with these shortcuts, you’ll notice a remarkable improvement in the speed at which you can complete your tasks.


Understanding Keyboard Shortcuts

When reading the shortcuts listed below, keep these guidelines in mind:

  • Keys are separated by a "+" sign if they need to be pressed simultaneously.
  • Keys are separated by a "-" sign if they need to be pressed successively.

File Management Shortcuts

Efficiently manage your documents with these shortcuts:

  • CTRL+N: Create a new document
  • CTRL+O: Open an existing document
  • CTRL+S: Save the current document
  • F12: Save As
  • CTRL+W: Close the current document
  • ALT+F4: Close the application
  • CTRL+NextPage / PreviousPage: Move to the next or previous page

Copy and Paste Shortcuts

Enhance your copy-paste efficiency:

  • CTRL+C: Copy selected text
  • CTRL+V: Paste copied text
  • CTRL+X: Cut selected text

Undo and Redo Shortcuts

Quickly manage your actions:

  • CTRL+Z: Undo the last action
  • CTRL+Y: Redo the last undone action
  • F4: Repeat the last action

Formatting Shortcuts

Format your text with ease:

  • CTRL+B: Bold selected text
  • CTRL+U: Underline selected text
  • CTRL+I: Italicize selected text
  • CTRL+SHIFT+"+": Superscript
  • CTRL+SHIFT+C: Copy formatting from selected text
  • CTRL+SHIFT+V: Paste formatting to selected text
  • SHIFT+F3: Change the case of selected text
  • CTRL+]: Increase font size
  • CTRL+SHIFT+<: Decrease font size

Text Selection Shortcuts

Efficiently select text with these shortcuts:

  • CTRL+A: Select all text
  • CTRL+Left/Right Arrows: Move one word to the left or right
  • CTRL+Up/Down Arrows: Move one paragraph up or down
  • SHIFT+Left/Right Arrows: Extend selection by one character
  • SHIFT+Up/Down Arrows: Extend selection by one line
  • CTRL+SHIFT+Left/Right Arrows: Extend selection by one word
  • CTRL+SHIFT+Up/Down Arrows: Extend selection by one paragraph
  • ALT+SHIFT+Up/Down Arrows: Move items up or down in lists
  • F8: Activate Selection Mode

Text Editing Shortcuts

Edit your text more effectively:

  • CTRL+F: Find text
  • CTRL+H: Replace text
  • Backspace: Delete one character to the left
  • CTRL+Backspace: Delete one word to the left
  • SHIFT+F10: Open the contextual menu (right-click)
  • F7: Run a spelling and grammar check

Paragraph Formatting Shortcuts

Format paragraphs quickly:

  • CTRL+E: Center the paragraph
  • CTRL+L: Left-align the paragraph
  • CTRL+R: Right-align the paragraph
  • CTRL+J: Justify the paragraph
  • TAB: Increase indent
  • SHIFT+TAB: Decrease indent

Insertion Shortcuts

Insert breaks and other elements:

  • SHIFT+Enter: Insert a line break
  • CTRL+Enter: Insert a page break

Windows Navigation Shortcuts

Navigate your Windows environment smoothly:

  • Windows+D: Go to desktop
  • Windows+E: Open File Explorer
  • Windows+V: Open Clipboard history
  • Windows+L: Lock your computer
  • Windows+H: Launch speech-to-text
  • Windows+SHIFT+S: Launch the Snipping Tool
  • Windows+Arrow: Move a window to the corner of the screen
  • Windows+.: Insert emoji and animated GIFs
  • ALT+Left Arrow: Move to the previous folder
  • ALT+Up Arrow: Move to the parent folder
  • CTRL+T: Open a new tab
  • CTRL+W: Close the current tab
  • CTRL+SHIFT+T: Reopen the last closed tab
  • ALT+F4: Close the current program
  • CTRL+P: Print the document

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