Create Links Between Excel and PowerPoint

5 minutes read


Linking Excel and PowerPoint is a powerful solution to automate reports and a major time-saver.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the pros and cons of each linking solution, helping you choose the best method for your needs.

The Importance of Linking Excel and PowerPoint

Microsoft Office applications, particularly PowerPoint, Excel, and Word, remain among the most widely used tools in business environments. With 1.2 billion people using Microsoft Office 365 globally, the need for efficient data presentation is more crucial than ever.

Excel is the go-to application for data preparation, analysis, and crunching, whether for sales analysis, survey results, budget reports, or financial analysis. The results and conclusions are often presented through PowerPoint, which offers a more visual and shareable format while providing context and comments around the data.

The Pitfalls of Manual Copy-Pasting

Many analysts prepare data in Excel and then manually copy and paste their charts and tables into PowerPoint. While simple, this approach can quickly become problematic:

  1. Time-consuming: Updating numerous charts and tables can take hours, especially if errors are discovered and everything needs to be redone.
  2. Formatting issues: Each update requires repositioning and reformatting of charts and tables.
  3. High risk of errors: The repetitive nature of copy-pasting increases the likelihood of mistakes or omissions, potentially damaging your reputation.

Benefits of Linking Excel and PowerPoint

Creating links between Excel and PowerPoint offers an elegant solution for automating and securing reports:

  • Time-saving: Automated updates reduce the time spent on manual tasks.
  • Reduced error risk: Linking minimizes the chances of manual mistakes.
  • Increased flexibility: Quick updates are possible, even minutes before a meeting.
  • Smaller file sizes: Linked presentations are often lighter, making them easier to email.

For more tips on reducing file sizes, check out our guide on how to reduce file size in Excel or PowerPoint.

Method 1: Using Regular “Paste” Options

This straightforward method is easy to use and may already be familiar to some users.

  1. In Excel, select the chart you want to link.
  2. Right-click and select “Copy” (or press CTRL+C).
  3. Go to the desired PowerPoint slide.
  4. In the Home tab, click the arrow under “Paste” and choose one of these options:
    • “Use Destination Theme & Link Data” to match your presentation’s style.
    • “Keep Source Formatting & Link Data” to maintain the original Excel appearance.


  • Immediately after creation, charts update automatically when Excel data changes.
  • Later, select the chart in PowerPoint, right-click, and choose “Edit data” to open Excel for updates.



  • Linked charts remain editable objects.
  • No security warnings triggered.
  • Fast updates.


  • Links break if the Excel file is renamed, moved, or duplicated.
  • Emailing files breaks links for recipients.
  • Moving data in Excel while PowerPoint is closed can lead to incorrect references.
  • Cannot link tables or text values.

Method 2: Using “Paste Special” Options

This less-known method offers some additional flexibility.

  1. In Excel, select the chart or range to link.
  2. Copy the selection (CTRL+C).
  3. Go to the desired PowerPoint slide.
  4. In the Home tab, click the arrow under “Paste” and select “Paste Special.”
  5. In the dialog box, choose “Link” and click “OK.”


  • Immediately after creation, charts and tables update automatically with Excel changes.
  • Later, a security prompt will appear when opening PowerPoint. Click “Update links” to refresh all links at once.
  • Alternatively, right-click a linked object and select “Update link” to refresh individually.




  • Can link both charts and tables.


  • Objects pasted as pictures, limiting formatting options.
  • Slow updates.
  • Security warnings on each PowerPoint opening.
  • Links break easily (file renaming, moving, emailing).
  • Cannot link text values.

Method 3: Using Power-user Add-in

To address the limitations of the previous methods, Power-user offers a robust Excel-PowerPoint link solution as part of their add-in.

  1. In Excel, select the chart, table, or range.
  2. Copy the selection (CTRL+C).
  3. Go to PowerPoint and paste (CTRL+V).
  4. Click “Link” in the contextual button at the top left of the pasted object.


Inserting Linked Values in PowerPoint Text

This unique feature allows you to include dynamic, Excel-linked values within your PowerPoint text.

  1. In PowerPoint, place the cursor where you want to insert a linked value.
  2. Right-click and select “Insert value from linked Excel cell.”
  3. Navigate to the desired Excel cell in the selection dialog and confirm.
  • Use the buttons at the top left of linked objects to update.
  • Access the Link Manager for additional options:
    • View all linked objects.
    • Update links individually or all at once.
    • See data source locations.
    • Open source files or folders.
    • View update history.
    • Break links if needed.




  • Maintains chart objects for easy formatting.
  • Links charts, tables, ranges, cells, and text values.
  • No security warnings.
  • Fast updates.
  • Links resist file renaming, moving, and emailing.
  • Comprehensive link management options.

Download Power-user

Note: Open both PowerPoint and Excel files and update to re-establish links with the current versions. For recipients without Power-user, links convert to Method 1 for compatibility.

By choosing the right linking method, you can significantly streamline your workflow, reduce errors, and create more dynamic, updatable presentations. Whether you opt for built-in Microsoft Office features or the advanced capabilities of the Power-user add-in, linking Excel and PowerPoint can transform your reporting process.

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