How To Create An Awesome Slide Presentation

4 minutes read


A slide presentation is a crucial element of every modern public speech.

Whether you’re presenting a product or delivering an academic talk, visual aids can significantly enhance your message. However, it’s essential to recognize that not every slide presentation will improve your standing in the eyes of your audience. In fact, a poorly designed presentation can undermine your entire performance.


The Importance of Effective Presentations

Why do presentations sometimes fail to engage the audience? One reason is that speakers often forget that 65% of communication is nonverbal. Many presenters focus solely on their speech content, neglecting the visual aspect of their presentation. This oversight can result in:

  • Overly long and boring presentations
  • Disconnection between spoken content and visual aids
  • An overall impression of poor planning and lack of professionalism

These issues are particularly problematic when pitching to potential investors, where you typically have only 20-30 minutes to make a lasting impression. In such high-stakes situations, a compelling pitch deck is essential to stand out among numerous startup presentations.

Key Steps to Creating an Awesome Slide Presentation

1. Target Yourself

Before diving into design, answer these three crucial questions:

  • What action do you want your audience to take after your presentation?
  • What is the main conclusion of your presentation?
  • How will your presentation influence the audience’s decision-making process?


Answering these questions will help you structure your presentation effectively and ensure alignment between your speech and slides. Remember to follow the classic structure: introduction, main content (problem → solution), and conclusion.

2. Keep It Tidy and Simple

Your slides should complement your speech with visual content, not compete with it. To achieve this:

  • Avoid text-heavy slides
  • Use clean, professional fonts
  • Choose high-quality images
  • Use animation effects sparingly and purposefully


Include only essential information that supports your key points and makes your presentation memorable.

3. Color Matters

The color scheme of your presentation sets the tone and creates atmosphere. Consider these tips:

  • Use Color Lovers to find harmonious color palettes
  • Blue is often considered the most versatile background color for presentations
  • Green can stimulate interaction and discussion
  • Be cautious with red, and avoid yellow as it may evoke frustration


Learn more about color psychology in presentations to make informed choices.

4. Font Selection and Sizing

Consistency in font style and size is crucial for readability:

  • Use 90pt for main text and 150-300pt for headings
  • Ensure text is legible from the back of the room
  • Stick to professional, easy-to-read fonts


Avoid overused or unprofessional fonts that can distract from your message.

5. Utilize Repetition

Reiteration helps reinforce key points:

  • Summarize main ideas before moving to new topics
  • Use consistent visual elements to tie concepts together
  • Follow the lead of great presenters like Steve Jobs, who often repeated crucial information

6. Highlight Key Information

Use visual hierarchy to emphasize important points:

  • Employ contrasting colors for critical data
  • Utilize bold or larger text for key phrases
  • Incorporate icons or graphics to draw attention to main ideas

7. Keep Transitions Simple

Avoid distracting animations:

  • Use subtle transitions between slides
  • Ensure animations serve a purpose rather than being merely decorative
  • Test your presentation to ensure smooth flow

8. Time Your Slides

Pace your presentation effectively:

  • Aim for no more than one slide every 2 minutes
  • Practice your timing to ensure you cover all points without rushing

9. Incorporate Video Content

Engage your audience with multimedia:

  • 43% of people prefer video content in presentations
  • Use short, relevant video clips to illustrate points or break up text-heavy sections

10. Use a Consistent Template

Maintain visual coherence throughout your presentation:

  • Stick to a single design theme across all slides
  • Avoid using outdated or overused templates
  • Consider creating a custom template that aligns with your brand or message

Remember, while PowerPoint templates have evolved, relying solely on standard designs may not be enough for a truly impactful presentation, especially for high-stakes pitches. Invest time in creating a unique, professional look that sets your presentation apart.

By following these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to creating an awesome slide presentation that enhances your message and engages your audience effectively.

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