Create Dynamic Charts with Drop-Down Lists in Excel

3 minutes read


Creating dynamic charts linked to drop-down lists in Excel can significantly enhance your data presentation and analysis capabilities.

This powerful feature allows you to build interactive dashboards that impress viewers and provide efficient data visualization for various stakeholders.

The Power of Dynamic Charts

Imagine you’re tasked with building a dashboard to report your company’s product sales performance. Wouldn’t it be impressive to allow users to select a product from a drop-down list and instantly see the corresponding data displayed on a chart? This functionality goes beyond mere aesthetics; it offers several practical benefits:

  1. Efficiency: A single chart can display data from multiple series, reducing the need for numerous individual charts.
  2. User-Friendly: Stakeholders can easily access the specific data they need without searching through multiple charts.
  3. Compact Design: Your spreadsheet remains lightweight and organized.
  4. Customizable Views: Product managers can quickly view reporting for their respective products.


Let’s dive into the step-by-step process of creating such a dynamic chart linked to a drop-down list in Excel.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Prepare Your Data Set

Start with a well-organized set of data. In this example, we’ll use a data set arranged in columns, which allows us to create an Excel Table. (Learn more about the benefits of using Excel Tables.)

Each column in our data set represents a different product:


2. Add a New Column for Chart Data Source

Insert a new column in your data set. We’ll name it “Chart Data Source” for clarity:


3. Create the Drop-Down List

Choose a cell for your drop-down list. In this example, we’ll use cell “J2”. Create the drop-down list using the column titles (product names) as the source. If you’re unfamiliar with this process, refer to our guide on How to create a drop-down list in Excel .

4. Add the OFFSET Formula

In the new “Chart Data Source” column, enter the following formula:

For Excel Tables:

=OFFSET([@Date];;MATCH($J$2;Table2[[# Headers];[Product A]:[Product C]];0))

For standard ranges:


This formula dynamically selects the appropriate data based on the product chosen in the drop-down list:


5. Create Your Dynamic Chart

Finally, create a chart using the new “Chart Data Source” column as its data source:


The Result: Your Interactive Dynamic Chart

You now have a fully functional dynamic chart! As you select different products from the drop-down list in cell J2, you’ll see the chart update automatically to display the corresponding data.


By following these steps, you’ve created a powerful, interactive data visualization tool in Excel. This dynamic chart linked to a drop-down list not only impresses viewers but also provides a more efficient and user-friendly way to explore and present your data.

The key to this technique is not linking the drop-down list directly to the chart, but rather to its data source. This approach offers flexibility and keeps your spreadsheet lightweight and performant.

Feel free to experiment with this technique and adapt it to your specific data visualization needs. Happy charting!

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