Create Professional PowerPoint Animations in Seconds

3 minutes read


Harness the power of Morph to create stunning, professional animations for PowerPoint in mere seconds.

If you’re using PowerPoint 2016 with an Office 365 subscription, it’s time to dive into the game-changing Morph transition feature. You’ll be amazed at how frequently this tool can elevate your presentations and streamline your workflow.

The Revolution of Morph

In previous versions of PowerPoint, animating objects between slides was a time-consuming process that often required complex motion paths. Zooming in on objects necessitated Grow/Shrink animations combined with mathematical precision. Enter Morph: a powerful transition that does the heavy lifting for you. With Morph, you can effortlessly move objects, alter colors, zoom in and out, or combine all these effects simultaneously. This simple yet potent transition is an incredible time-saver for those who understand its potential.


How to Use Morph: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Prepare Your Slides: The Morph transition requires two slides with at least one object in common. Either duplicate your first slide or copy and paste the relevant object(s) into a second slide.

  2. Modify Objects: On the second slide, select the object you wish to animate. Move, resize, rotate, or recolor it as desired.

  3. Apply Morph: Add the Morph transition to the second slide. PowerPoint will automatically calculate the differences between the objects on the two slides and create a seamless animation between them.

  4. Preview Your Work: Enter slideshow mode and advance to the next slide. Watch in awe as Morph executes what previously might have taken hours with traditional motion paths.

Pro Tip: Morph works in reverse too! When you navigate back to the previous slide, elements will animate to their original positions and sizes.

Practical Examples of Morph in Action

1. Animating Chart Data

One of the most effective uses of Morph is to animate the movement of objects without relying on motion paths. In this example, we’ve duplicated a chart from the first slide to the second, then moved and recolored the bars to display different values. When Morph is applied, these objects will smoothly animate between slides into their new positions.


2. Organizing Information

Morph can bring clarity to complex information. In this example, we’ve sorted various statements into defining categories. The Morph transition effectively illustrates this organizational process, making it easier for your audience to follow along.


3. Creating Zoom Effects

Morph excels at creating zoom effects without the need for complex animations. By enlarging and repositioning a map on the second slide, Morph creates the illusion of “zooming in” on a specific region. This technique can be a powerful alternative to traditional Grow/Shrink animations in many scenarios.


Unleashing Morph’s Potential

The possibilities with Morph are truly endless. The most remarkable aspect is that effects that previously required significant time and effort can now be achieved in seconds. This means you no longer have to choose between crafting your content and creating a dynamic, engaging presentation when faced with tight deadlines.

Remember, to access the Morph feature, you currently need PowerPoint 2016 and an active Office 365 subscription. As you explore this powerful tool, you’ll discover new ways to make your presentations more impactful and professional with minimal effort.

By mastering Morph, you’ll not only save time but also elevate the quality of your presentations, leaving your audience impressed and your message clearly conveyed. Start experimenting with Morph today and watch your PowerPoint skills transform!

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