Mastering Named Ranges in Excel

3 minutes read


Naming ranges in Excel can significantly enhance the flexibility and usability of your workbooks.

This comprehensive guide will explore the benefits of named ranges and provide step-by-step instructions on how to implement them effectively.

Why You Should Use Named Ranges in Excel

Improved Formula Readability

Named ranges make your formulas more intuitive and easier to understand. Consider the following example:

Before: image

After: image

By naming A1:A50 as “Sales” and B1:B50 as “Months”, the formula becomes much clearer for you and anyone else working with your spreadsheet.

Dynamic, Formula-Based Ranges

Named ranges can be based on formulas, allowing you to create variable-size ranges. This feature automatically adjusts your formulas, charts, or pivot tables when new data is added.


Faster Formula Entry

When typing a formula, Excel suggests existing named ranges, making it quicker to input complex formulas without navigating between different sheets.


You can also press F3 to display a list of named ranges and double-click to insert them into your formula.

Enhanced VBA Development

For VBA developers, named ranges offer increased flexibility and robustness in code. Instead of hardcoding cell references like ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Value, you can use ActiveSheet.Range("MyRange").Value, which remains valid even if the range is moved.

How to Create Named Ranges in Excel

Method 1: Using the Name Box

  1. Select the range of cells you want to name.
  2. Click the name box to the left of the formula bar.
  3. Type the desired name for your range (e.g., “Sales”).
  4. Press Enter.


Method 2: Create from Selection

This method is particularly useful for creating multiple names at once in a table.

  1. Select the entire range of cells, including labels.
  2. Go to the Formula tab on the ribbon and click “Create from selection”.
  3. In the dialog box, choose where the labels are located (e.g., “Top”).



Method 3: Using Tables

Excel tables automatically generate names for each column, which adjust dynamically when new data is added.

  1. Select your data range.
  2. Go to the “Insert” tab and click “Table”.
  3. Use table references in formulas, e.g., Table1[Sales] or Table1[@Sales].



💡 For more on Excel tables, check out 12 reasons why you should use Excel tables.

Method 4: Using Formulas for Dynamic Ranges

  1. Go to the “Formula” tab and click “Define Name”.
  2. Enter the desired name and a formula (e.g., OFFSET) in the “Refers to” field.


This method is particularly useful for creating dynamic ranges that adjust automatically based on data changes.

Rules for Naming Ranges

When creating named ranges, keep these rules in mind:

  • Start with a letter, underscore (_), or backslash ().
  • Use only letters, numbers, periods, and underscores for subsequent characters.
  • Avoid spaces.
  • Don’t use existing cell references (e.g., “$A$1”).
  • Names are not case-sensitive (e.g., “MyRange” and “myrange” are treated the same).

Managing Named Ranges

To modify existing named ranges:

  1. Go to the “Formula” tab and click “Name Manager”.
  2. Select the range you want to modify.
  3. Edit the “Name” or “Refers to” fields.
  4. Click “OK” to save your changes.


Named ranges in Excel offer numerous benefits, including improved readability, dynamic updating, faster formula entry, and enhanced VBA development. By implementing named ranges effectively, you can create more robust, flexible, and user-friendly spreadsheets that are easier to maintain and update over time.

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