Essential Keyboard Shortcuts for Power PowerPoint Users

3 minutes read


Using keyboard shortcuts is a major step towards becoming a PowerPoint power user.

Below is a comprehensive list of the most useful keyboard shortcuts. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with these shortcuts; the productivity gains will be invaluable in the long run.


Guide to reading shortcuts:

  • Keys separated by a “+” sign should be pressed simultaneously
  • Keys separated by a “-” sign should be pressed successively

File Management

Efficient file management is crucial for a smooth workflow. Here are some essential shortcuts:

  • CTRL+N: Create a new presentation
  • CTRL+O: Open an existing presentation
  • CTRL+S: Save the current presentation
  • F12: Save as
  • CTRL+W: Close the current presentation
  • ALT+F4: Close the PowerPoint application
  • CTRL+Page Down / Page Up: Move to the next / previous slide
  • CTRL+M: Insert a new slide

Editing Basics

Editing is a fundamental part of creating presentations. Use these shortcuts for copy, paste, and more:

Copy and Paste

  • CTRL+C: Copy selected content
  • CTRL+V: Paste copied content
  • CTRL+X: Cut selected content
  • CTRL+D: Duplicate selected content

Undo and Redo

  • CTRL+Z: Undo the last action
  • CTRL+Y: Redo the last undone action
  • F4: Repeat the last action

Text Formatting

Proper text formatting can enhance readability and engagement. Use these shortcuts to format your text quickly:

Font Styles

  • CTRL+B: Toggle bold
  • CTRL+U: Toggle underline
  • CTRL+I: Toggle italic
  • CTRL+SHIFT+"+": Toggle superscript
  • CTRL+SHIFT+C: Copy the selection format
  • CTRL+SHIFT+V: Paste copied format
  • SHIFT+F3: Cycle through letter cases (lowercase, UPPERCASE, Title Case)

Font Size

  • CTRL+SHIFT+">": Increase font size
  • CTRL+SHIFT+"<": Decrease font size

Selection and Navigation

Navigating and selecting content efficiently can speed up your work. Here are the key shortcuts:

  • CTRL+A: Select all content
  • CTRL+Left/Right Arrows: Move the cursor one word left/right
  • CTRL+Up/Down Arrows: Move the cursor one paragraph up/down
  • SHIFT+Arrow Keys: Extend selection in the arrow direction
  • CTRL+SHIFT+Arrow Keys: Extend selection by word (left/right) or paragraph (up/down)
  • ALT+SHIFT+Up/Down Arrows: Move list items up or down
  • ALT+SHIFT+Right/Left Arrows: Increase/decrease list item indentation
  • F8: Activate extended selection mode

Text Manipulation

Manipulating text effectively is key to a polished presentation. Use these shortcuts for quick edits:

  • CTRL+F: Find text
  • CTRL+H: Replace text
  • Backspace: Delete one character to the left
  • CTRL+Backspace: Delete one word to the left
  • SHIFT+F10: Open the contextual menu (equivalent to right-click)
  • F7: Run spelling and grammar check

Shape and Object Manipulation

Creating and adjusting shapes is important for effective slide design:

  • SHIFT+Arrow Keys: Resize selected shapes (large increments)
  • CTRL+SHIFT+Arrow Keys: Resize selected shapes (small increments)
  • Alt+Right Arrow: Rotate clockwise (large increment)
  • Alt+Left Arrow: Rotate counterclockwise (large increment)
  • Alt+CTRL+Right Arrow: Rotate clockwise (small increment)
  • Alt+CTRL+Left Arrow: Rotate counterclockwise (small increment)
  • CTRL+G: Group selected shapes
  • CTRL+SHIFT+G: Ungroup selected shapes

Slide Show Controls

When presenting, these shortcuts will help you control the flow of your slideshow:

  • F5: Start the slideshow from the beginning
  • SHIFT+F5: Start the slideshow from the current slide
  • B or .: Toggle black screen during the slideshow
  • W or ,: Toggle white screen during the slideshow
  • G: Display slide navigator during the slideshow

Windows and System Shortcuts

Enhance your overall productivity with these general Windows shortcuts:

  • Windows+D: Show desktop
  • Windows+E: Open File Explorer
  • Windows+V: Open clipboard history
  • Windows+L: Lock the computer
  • Windows+H: Launch speech-to-text
  • Windows+SHIFT+S: Open screen snipping tool
  • Windows+Arrow Keys: Snap windows to screen edges
  • Windows+.: Open emoji and special character panel
  • Alt+Left Arrow: Navigate back in File Explorer
  • Alt+Up Arrow: Navigate up one folder level in File Explorer
  • CTRL+T: Open new tab (in supported applications)
  • CTRL+W: Close the current tab or window
  • CTRL+SHIFT+T: Reopen the last closed tab
  • Alt+F4: Close the active application
  • CTRL+P: Print

By mastering these keyboard shortcuts, you’ll significantly enhance your PowerPoint skills and overall productivity. Practice regularly, and soon these shortcuts will become second nature, allowing you to create and edit presentations with remarkable speed and efficiency.

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