Embed Excel Files in PowerPoint

6 minutes read

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Need to embed an Excel file into PowerPoint? Learn how to link up two powerful Microsoft Office apps and make your data presentation ready with charts.

The Power of Excel and PowerPoint Together

Excel and PowerPoint are better together. Excel is an amazing tool for creating, organizing, and analyzing data, while PowerPoint shines when it’s time to present your hard work to an audience. Embedding Excel into PowerPoint is a win-win situation!


When you’re ready to transfer your data and charts from Excel to PowerPoint, you have multiple options for pasting and linking your data between these applications. In this tutorial, you’ll discover how to embed or link an Excel file in PowerPoint. Soon, you’ll be embedding Excel graphs and charts in your presentations with ease. Mastering this skill is essential in 2023, and you’ll likely find yourself applying it on a daily basis.

Quick Video Overview

In this quick three-minute screencast below, I’ll demonstrate how to work between Excel and PowerPoint. You’ll learn how to embed Excel files in PowerPoint, link your data, and keep your information up-to-date.

Read on to explore various methods for integrating data between Excel and PowerPoint.

How to Embed Excel Charts in PowerPoint

Imagine you’ve created a visually appealing Excel chart filled with valuable data. However, Excel may not be the best tool for sharing that information with an audience. Instead, it’s more effective to embed the Excel chart in PowerPoint to enhance your presentation.

Remember: Excel and PowerPoint are both part of the Microsoft Office suite and are designed to work well together. You can finalize the chart’s styling in PowerPoint.


Throughout this tutorial, you’ll see the SIMPLECO PowerPoint template featured. This premium design from Envato Elements is a great resource to follow along with.

Note: The tips in this section are based on Windows and Office 365. If you’re using a different operating system or version, your steps may vary slightly.

Getting Started with Embedding Excel into PowerPoint

To begin embedding an Excel chart in PowerPoint, click on your chart in Excel to select it. Next, copy it by pressing Ctrl + C or clicking the Copy button on Excel’s ribbon.


Now, switch over to your open PowerPoint presentation using the SIMPLECO template. Find some space on one of your slides and paste the chart by pressing Ctrl + V or clicking the Paste button in PowerPoint.


You’ll notice that the data from your Excel workbook has been transferred and reformatted to match the PowerPoint presentation style. This basic method allows you to easily place an Excel chart inside your PowerPoint file.

Excel to PowerPoint Paste Options Explained

When transferring charts from Excel to PowerPoint, you have choices regarding how to handle the data: should it be linked to an Excel workbook, or embedded directly within the PowerPoint file?

When you right-click in PowerPoint with a chart on your clipboard, you’ll see several paste options:

  1. Use Destination Theme and Embed Workbook
  2. Keep Source Formatting and Embed Workbook
  3. Use Destination Theme and Link Data
  4. Keep Source Formatting and Link Data
  5. Paste as Picture

These options fall into three major categories: embedding, linking, and pasting as a picture. Let’s explore each category in more detail.

1. Embed Excel Workbook in PowerPoint

The first two options allow you to embed data within the PowerPoint file itself. This means that PowerPoint will store the data internally, separate from the original Excel file.


With embedded data, the PowerPoint chart won’t update automatically if the Excel data changes. To edit data within an embedded Excel file, right-click the chart and select Edit Data, which will open an embedded Excel spreadsheet inside PowerPoint.


While embedding provides the benefit of accessibility regardless of the original Excel file, it does increase the overall size of your PowerPoint file. Additionally, the embedded data won’t sync with changes made in Excel.

Linking data keeps your PowerPoint and Excel files synchronized. When both applications are open, any changes made in Excel will automatically reflect in the linked PowerPoint chart.

To update the linked chart in PowerPoint when both apps are not open simultaneously, use the Refresh Data option on the Chart Design tab.


Linking is an excellent choice as it eliminates the need to recreate charts each time the original data changes. However, be cautious: if you share your PowerPoint file with someone who doesn’t have access to the linked Excel file, the data will not refresh. Additionally, if others modify the linked Excel file without your knowledge, you risk updating your presentation with incorrect information.

For a detailed comparison between embedding and linking, refer to the official Microsoft help page .

3. Paste Excel Chart as Picture in PowerPoint

The final option allows you to paste your Excel chart as a flattened, non-editable picture. This is useful if you want to prevent any alterations to the data.


While this option preserves the appearance of the original Excel chart, you lose the ability to edit or change it within PowerPoint.

Excel to PowerPoint Paste Formatting Options

Regardless of whether you choose to embed or link your data, you can determine how your charts will be styled when moving them from Excel to PowerPoint. Both embedding and linking options come with two style choices:

  1. Keep Source Formatting: Maintains the original chart style from Excel.
  2. Use Destination Theme: Adjusts the chart style to match the PowerPoint theme.

In the screenshot below, you can see examples of each option. Using Keep Source Formatting retains the Excel chart’s original design, while Use Destination Theme helps your charts integrate seamlessly with your presentation.


Once the chart is placed in PowerPoint, you can edit and restyle your presentation as needed.

Effective Tips for Sharing Data in PowerPoint

Having learned how to embed Excel into PowerPoint, it’s essential to consider best practices for presenting your data effectively. Here are five tips to enhance your data sharing in PowerPoint:

1. Opt for Colorful Styling

Bright, colorful styles keep your audience engaged. By using vibrant colors in your charts, you not only enhance creativity but also improve readability by contrasting different data series.


2. Animate to Control the Pace and Flow

Data is more digestible when presented gradually. Use animations in PowerPoint to manage the flow of information, preventing overwhelming your audience with too much data at once.

Explore how to control animations effectively in PowerPoint with our tutorial on the Animation pane.

3. Use Unconventional Charts and Infographics

Basic Excel charts may suffice, but sometimes unique infographics can convey your message more creatively. PowerPoint’s built-in chart features enable you to craft innovative designs like funnel, waterfall, or sunburst charts.


4. Expand Beyond Numerical Data

Charts can be utilized to convey ideas that aren’t strictly numerical. For instance, you can create visual representations of team structures or processes, making complex information easier to understand.

For detailed guidance on creating organizational charts in PowerPoint, refer to our tutorial.

5. Be Specific with Design

Select premium PowerPoint themes that align with your subject matter. Customized templates not only enhance your presentation’s visual appeal but also provide design inspiration.



In summary, managing data between Excel and PowerPoint offers significant advantages. Linked data ensures your charts stay updated, while embedded data allows for quick edits within the presentation. Understanding these options will enhance your presentations, making them more dynamic and effective.

Now that you know how to embed Excel in PowerPoint, it’s time to practice your skills by creating your own presentation!

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