556 articles
Timelines tell visual stories connecting the past to the present. Learn how to create timelines in PowerPoint from scratch or quickly with premium templates.
Timelines come in a rich variety of colors, shapes, and types.
Want to compare and contrast information? Let’s learn how to make a Venn diagram in PowerPoint to do that, visually. Follow the tutorial and video for easy steps.
How many times have you found yourself explaining data in a PowerPoint presentation without a clear visual aid?
Are you trying to teach vocabulary? Want to show off the relative power of search terms? You need a visual like a word cloud PowerPoint design.
In the age of information, showing data has become as important as collecting it.
If you’re looking to help viewers visualize the structure of your company, an organizational chart will get the job done.
One of the biggest challenges when making a presentation is talking about data.
Creating a table is a great and easy way to enrich your PowerPoint presentation.
More than ever, it’s difficult to gather everyone in a single room for a presentation. Instead, presentations take place online and over virtual meetings.